29th April 1903 Hugh Burns and Laura Agius

The Tablet, Page 29, 9th May 1903


On the 29th at St. Dominic’s Priory, Maitland Park, by the Rev. Father Carlin, Hugh Burns, son of Mr. and Mrs. Burns, Parkmoor, Eaglescliffe, to Laura, second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. T. Agius, 3, Belsize Grove, London, N.W. The bride (who was given away by her father) was attired in soft white satiny empire gown, trimmed with Maltase lace and chiffon. The train was all Maltese lace, her coronet was of orange blossom with tulle veil, and her ornaments were diamond and pearl earrings (the gift of Major Muscat), and rope of pearls (the gift of the parents). The bridesmaids were Miss Daisy and Miss Connie Agius (sisters of the bride), Miss Minnie Harburg, Miss Roper Parkington, Miss Burns and Miss Judith Pile. Their dresses were of champagne colour, crepe de chine and lace—hats of champagne straw— lace and foliage. They carried bouquets of shaded geraniums with pink and red streamers; these with pearl and enamel flower brooches, were the gift of the bridegroom.

The Rev. Father Catlin, of Newry, uncle of the bridegroom, assisted by the Dominican Fathers, officiated. The bridegroom was attended by Mr. James Burns, his brother, as best man. After Mass the Papal Benediction was given to all present. After the ceremony a reception was held at 3, Belsize Grove, which was very largely attended. Among those invited were : The Lord and Lady Mayoress, Mr. Justice and Lady Walton, Colonel Sir J. and Lady Roper Parkington, Lord Grenfell of Kilvey, Major and Mrs. St. Aubyn, Sir Alfred Jones and Mrs. Pinnock, Sir John and Lady Aird, Marchese and Marchesa Mattei, Mr and Mrs  McCay and family, Captain A. Denaro, Mr , Mrs  and the Misses Casella, Mr Walker Smith, J.P., and Mrs. Smith, Mr, Mrs and Miss Lescher, Mr and Mrs C. Pile and Mr T. M. Pile, Dr and Miss Ware, Mr P. Strickland, Mr and Mrs Weigall, Mr S. Samuel, Mr and  Mrs Romero, Mr and Mrs Bellord, Mr and Mrs O’Bryen, Mrs  and the Misses Kuypers, Mr and Mrs  C. Light, Mr  and Mrs  Le Brassear, the Misses Roll, Mr and Mrs  Mansell, Mrs and Miss Sass, Engineer Rear Admiral and Mrs  Chilcott and about 300 others.

The presents were : bridegroom to bride, diamond and ruby ring and bracelet ; bride to bridegroom, gold and platinum chain ; bride’s parents, rope of pearls, canteen, house linen, furs ; bridegroom’s parents, furniture ; the Rev. Dom Ambrose Agius, 0.S.B., illuminated parchment with Papal Blessing ; Edgar T. Agius, dog-cart ; Major and Mrs Muscat, diamond and pearl ear-rings, silver tea and coffee service on tray, French drawing-room furniture ; sisters of the bride, French china tea and coffee service ; bride’s brothers, standard lamp and shade ; Professor and Mrs  Cassan, cut-glass table set ; Mr and Mrs Eddy Agius, tantalus ; Captain and Mrs. A. Amigo, silver-fitted dressing-case; Captain and Mrs Denaro, bronze lamp and shade ; Mr and Mrs McCay, silver dish.

Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Burns left for Dover and Paris, where the honeymoon will be spent. The bride’s going away dress was of French embroidered cloth and was worn with a lace hat trimmed with feathers.

6th June 1896 Frank Purssell and Lily Kuypers

Frank Purssell is Lady O’B’s brother, and a fair number of the family are at their wedding.

From The Tablet, Page 26, 6th June 1896

The marriage of FRANCIS W. PURSSELL, second son of Alfred Purssell, 9, Belsize Grove, N.W. to Miss LILY KUYPERS, sixth daughter of Charles Kuypers, 29, Belsize Park Gardens, was solemnized in St. Dominic’s Priory, Haverstock Hill, on Tuesday, 2nd inst. The church was tastefully decorated with palms and white flowers.

The bride was given away by her father. Her dress was of rich ivory satin, trimmed with pearls. She was attended by two bridesmaids— her sister, Miss Kathleen Kuypers, and Miss Charlotte Purssell, sister of the bridegroom. They wore dresses of pale green chiffon, trimmed with passementerie, the skirts of white silk, shot with pink, and large white hats, trimmed with chiffon, roses, and lilies of the valley. Their diamond and pearl brooches were the gift of the bridegroom. Miss Ethel Kuypers, who was trainbearer, wore white silk and a gold chain and heart, with pearl centre, also the gift of the bridegroom. The best man was Mr. Ernest Ware, and Mr. Wilfrid Parker was groomsman.

The marriage ceremony was performed by the Rev. C. Kuypers, the nuptial Mass being said by the Rev. A. B. Kuypers, 0.S.B.; both brothers of the bride. The Rev. Charles Cox acted as master of ceremonies, while Mr. Thorne, Mus.D., Oxon. presided at the organ. After the ceremony the two families returned to breakfast at 29, Belsize Park Gardens.

Numerous telegrams of congratulation were received, among them being one from his Holiness Pope Leo XIII., conveying, through Dom A. Gasquet, 0.S.B., the Papal blessing ; and one from Buluwayo, from Mr. Alfred Purssell.

Later on in the afternoon a reception was held. Among those invited were his Eminence Cardinal Vaughan, the Bishop of Northampton, the Very Rev. E. Buckler, O.P. (Prior of St. Dominic’s), Judge and Mrs. Bagshawe, Mr. J. Bagshawe, the Very Rev. H. E. Ford, O.S.B. (Prior of Downside), and the Rev. C. Fowler, O.S.B.; Mr. Standish Barry, J.P., Colonel and Mrs. Lloyd Evans, Mr., Mrs., and Miss Perry. Mr. and Mrs. Hives Lee, Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Lane, Mrs. and Miss Stanfield, Mr. Everard Green, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Russell, Mr. Bradshaw Isherwood, Mr. and Mrs. Belton, Mrs. Austin Belton, Mr. and Mrs. Agius, Mrs. Ramsay Scott and Miss Lily Scott, Canon Purcell, the Rev. R. Tuke, Dr. and Mrs. Barter, Mrs. and Miss Gwyther, Messrs. Leslie and Graham Gwyther, the Misses Hollingsworth, Mrs. Bonacina and Miss Roncoroni, Miss Nesbitt, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Nesbitt, Mr. Edgar and Miss Agius, Mr. and Mrs. Max Hecht, Mr. and Mrs. Ostler, Mr. Ernest Morgan, Mr. and Mrs. Dyson, Mr. Ernest Miller, M. Cayetano Romero (Mexican Chargé d’Affaires) and Mrs. Romero, and others. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Purssell afterwards left for Ilfracombe. The presents, both to bride and bridegroom, were very numerous

3rd May 1924 Alan O’Bryen and Marie Bidwell

The Tablet, 3rd May 1924


At St. James’s, Spanish Place, W., on Friday of last week, the marriage took place of Mr. Alan O’Bryen, eldest son of the late Mr. E. A. O’Bryen and Lady O’Bryen, of 44, Harley House, to Marie Louise, eldest daughter of the late Mr. Leonard A. Bidwell and Mrs. Bidwell, of 10, James Street, Westbourne Terrace, W.2. The Bishop of Miletopolis, the Right Rev. Mgr. Bidwell, cousin of the bride, performed the ceremony ; Father W. Bodkin, Provincial, S.J., celebrated the nuptial Mass, and Mr. Kenneth O’Bryen, brother of the bridegroom, was best man. The bride, who was given away by her brother, Mr. T. L. Bidwell, was dressed in white crepe de Chine with a train of Limerick lace, lent by her grandmother, Lady Roper Parkington, which was borne by Miss Dorothy Bidwell, sister of the bride. In attendance upon her were also Miss Cicely O’Bryen and Miss Valencia Lancaster, wearing frocks of hyacinth-blue crêpe de Chine embroidered in silver, and oxydized silver lace caps.

Following the ceremony a reception was held at 44, Harley House.

3rd February 1900 Joseph Walton and Henrietta Stanfield



On January 27, 1900, at St. James’ Church, George-street, W., by the Very Rev. F. Rymer, D.D., assisted by the Rev. Francis Stanfield (uncles of the bride), and the Right Rev. Provost Barry, Joseph Arthur, eldest son of Mr. Joseph Walton, Q.C., of 11, Montagu-square, W., to Henrietta Campbell, only child of Mr. Field Stanfield, of 33, Nottingham-place, W. The Nuptial Mass was said by Father Pinnington, great-uncle of the bridegroom. The bride’s dress was of rich ivory satin, veiled in fine old family lace, the gift of her mother, and garlands of orange blossom, corsage handsomely embroidered in pearls, tulle veil, Court train of Louis X., and brocade, carried by Miss Walton, who wore a very pretty frock of pompadour silk, with a sash of cerise satin and large white hat. Ornaments worn: Pearl and diamond pendant (the gift of her parents) and diamond bracelets (the gift of Mrs. Walton.)

Bridesmaids: Miss Teresa Walton, sister of the bridegroom, who carried the bride’s train ; Miss Emily Stanfield, Miss Gertrude Bagshawe, Miss Katherine Rymer, cousins of the bride; and Miss Ethel Taylor, cousin of the bridegroom. They were dressed in white silk costumes trimmed with cerise velvet, and wore black Gainsborough hats with plumes. They each wore a gold monogram brooch and carried a bouquet, the gifts of the bridegroom. The bride’s travelling dress was of green faced cloth, tailor-made, with toque to match, and sable furs. The honeymoon will be spent at Torquay. The trousseau, bridesmaids’ dresses, and many of the guests’ dresses were supplied by la Maison Weatherley, Baker-street. The reception at 33, Nottingham Place, was largely attended. The long list of presents, owing to pressure upon our space, is unavoidably held over till next week.


The Tablet, Page 28, 10th February 1900


At St. James’ Church, George-street, W., on Tuesday 27, by the Very Rev. F. Rymer, D.D., assisted by the Rev. Francis Stanfield (uncles of the bride), and the Right Rev. Provost Barry, Joseph Arthur, eldest son of Mr. Joseph Walton, Q.C., of 11, Montagu-square, W., to Henrietta Campbell, only child of Mr. Field Stanfield, of 33, Nottingham-place, N. The Nuptial Mass was said by Father Pinnington, great-uncle of the bridegroom. The following is a complete list of the presents:

Mr. Joseph Walton, Q.C., cheque, furniture, and books; Mrs. Walton, diamond bracelet; Mr. Field Stanfield, cheque and dispatch box; Mrs. Field Stanfield, household linen and lace, gold studs and links; Mr. and Mrs. Field Stanfield, pearl and diamond pendant; Lady Brackenbury, expanding book slide; Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Smith, silver sugar bowl; Mr. and Mrs. Frewen Jenkin, picture; Mrs. and Miss Lund, table centre; Miss Emily Osborne, Arab coffee tray; Mrs. and Miss Mather, gold and turquoise chain and brooch; Miss K. Donnelly, pepper casters; Major and Mrs. Ardwick Burgess, silver photo frame; the Rev. Francis Stanfield, New Testament, Prayer Book, Rosaries; the maids at 33, Nottingham-place, silver sweet dishes; Mr. and Mrs. Allies, grape dish and scissors; Miss Allies, work-basket; Mrs. Sinclair Brodie, embroidery; Mr. and Mrs. T. S. Soden, silver sugar bowl and sifter; Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Egerton, silver muffineer; the Misses Amory, ivory card-case; Mr. and Mrs. Herman K. Bicknell, a pair of lamps; Mrs Manby, cushion; Mrs. Herman Bicknell, Crown Derby coffee cups; Miss Paton, tea caddy; Colonel and Mrs. Moran, silver pepper casters and mustard pot; Miss Charlton, pair of ice pails; Mrs. Arnold Knight, pair of candlesticks; Miss Stanfield, benitier and old Spanish fan; Lady Austin, Limerick lace; St. James’ Infant Schools, picture; Mother Mary Gertrude, Prayer Book; Mrs. Goding, work-case; Miss Palmer, carved milking stool; Mr. and Mrs. Agius, honey pot; Miss Taylor, silver calendar frame; Mrs. and Miss Burleigh, tea service; Mrs. Wilfrid Hull, Montevidean work-basket; Mrs. Ernest Fetherstonhaugh, Paraguayan lace handkerchief; Miss Hopson, cushion ; Commander and Mrs. Caborne, travelling clock; Mr. and Mrs. C. Boothman, book; Mrs. Stevenson, screen; Mrs. Prideaux, silver card-case; Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Cox, butterknife; Mr. and Mrs. Harwood Lescher, silver bowl; Mrs. Conley, silver butter dish; Mr. Fitzgibbon, cushion; Mr. Jason Smith, silver sugar bowl ; Miss Jason Smith and Miss Lucy Jason Smith, silver inkstand; Mr. Frank Richardson, silver-gilt fruit basket; the Misses Johnston, ivory carving in frame; Mr. and Mrs. Croke, sugar bowl and sifter; Miss Diana Croke, caddy spoon; the Misses and Mr. Lewis Croke, silver servers; Mr. Hubert Colegrave, silver box; the Rev. Mother Marie Reparatrice, picture; Mr. and Mrs. John Taylor, writing board; Mr. and Miss Kirby, silver cream jug and sugar bowl; Major and Mrs. Roper Parkington, silver photo frame; Major and Mrs. Norris, Sevres box; the Rev. Canon Cameron, book; Mrs. Kelleher, silver coffee pot and salver; Mr. and Mrs. Edward Veld, brass repousse hot water jugs; Mr. and Misses Stillwell, picture; Mrs. Herman Lescher, photo frame; Miss Mary Ashdown, address book; Mr. and Mrs. Philip Wellesley Colley, canteen of table silver; the Misses Colley, silver mounted scent bottle; Mr. and Mrs. William Thornton, silver-mounted magnifying glass; Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Blount, fan; Mr. and Mrs. Derviche Jones, silver button hook; Mrs. D’Arcy Stanfield Blackburn, silver cake carvers; Mr. J. P. Wallis, picture; Mr. and Mrs. Kirkland, glass vases; Provost Barry, Imitation of Christ; Miss Gasquet, fire screen; Mr. J. J. Coverdale, Japanese vases; Mrs. and Miss Beazley, clock; Miss Frances Carmichael, cushion; Miss Wilkinson, Life of St. Ignatius; Miss Clare Norris, blotter; Mr. Alfred O’Bryen, inkstand; Mr. and Mrs. J. Leeming, coalport vases; Mr. Arthur Cohen, Q.C. inkstand; the Rev. Father Dewar, Prayer Book ; the Misses Marchant, sugar bowl and sifter ; Mrs. Pickford, vases ; Mr. N. R. Regret, ostrich feather fan; Mr. and Mrs. M. V. D’Arcy, entrée dish; Mdlle Pinchardt, silver scent bottle; Madame Van de Velde silver seal; Mrs. Beg, painted silk sachet; Sir Sherston and Lady Baker, vases; Miss Floyd, blotter; Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Harting, entree dish; Mrs. Eiloart, worked table centre; Sir Wm. and Lady Booed, specimen table; the Misses Baker, fan; Mrs. Mackinlay, revolving book-shelf; the Misses Underwood Lisle, old wedgewood dish; Sister Mary Stanislas, Prayer Book; Dr. and Mrs. Allchin, twq pictures in frames; Miss Blanche Browne, silver photo frame; the Very Rev. F. Rymer, D.D., cheque; Mr. John H. Rymer, gold nugget pin; Sir Donald and Lady Macfarlane, silver card case; Dr. and Mrs. F. St. George Mivart, silver cream jug; Judge and Mrs. Bagshawe, Georgian silver teapot; Mrs. Crook, work case; the Right Rev. Mgr. Crook, Imitation of Christ; Miss Hughes, Dresden. china dish; Colonel Sturgeon, grandfather’s clock; Mr. E. Blacken,. bronze vase; Mr. and Mrs. E. Colegrave, Coalport coffee cups; Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Weigel, silver fruit spoons; Messrs. Stewart, Alexander; and H. Weigel, silver candlesticks ;  Miss Donnelly, flower dish; Mr. Gasquet, fish knives and forks; the Rev. Mother and Community, S. John and St. Elizabeth’s Hospital, embroidered screen; Mr. and Mrs. Philip Witham, marquetry table; Mrs. Martin, china flower stand; Miss Halswell, cushion; Miss Lavinia Halswell, photo frame; Mr. Halswell, photo frame; Mrs. Henry Eastlake, embroidered table centre; Mr. Reginald J. Slaughter, silver tea spoons; Canon Ainger (Master of the Temple), Charles Lamb’s Works; Mr. and Mrs. Cloud, silver ” rickshaw “; Miss Mary Carmichael, Tennyson’s Poems; Mr. and Mr. Joseph Knight, coffee set and tray; Dr. and Mrs. Barry Ball, silver menu holders; Miss Eyre, trinket case; Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Etty Sass, glass jug and flagons; Mrs. and Mrs. Bidwell, glass flower bowl; Mrs. Gaston Martineau, entree dish; Mr. and Mrs. J. Donaldson, cake dish; Mgr. Fenton, picture; Mrs. Macdonell, silver scent case; Mr. and Mrs. Cruikshank, coffee spoons and sugar tongs; Miss Catherine Bagshawe, silver salt cellars; Dr. and Mrs. Wakefield, embossed leather receipt case; Mr., Mrs. and Miss Slaughter, silver card case; Miss Allitsen, hot water jug; Mr. Reginald Wellesley Colley, handbag; Mr. and Mrs. Rees, glass epergne; Mrs. Heeming Jenkin, silver serviette rings; Mrs. Latter and Miss Bagshawe, aneroid barometer and clock; Mr., Mrs., and Miss Crofts, silver serviette rings; Miss Davidson, Burmese figures; Miss Fenlon, silver photograph frame; Mrs. Tuckfield, damask tablecloth and afternoon tea cloth; Miss Mary Bagshawe, purse; Mrs. E. V. Bethell, silver salt cellars; Mrs. Browning, ivory serviette rings; Dr. and Mrs. Macdonnell, silver gilt tea spoons and sugar tongs; Mr. Henry Jones, ” Patience” by ” Cavendish “; Miss Blackett, tea cosey; Mrs. Langley, gilt sugar shifter and spoon; Miss Donegan, night-dress case and pin-cushion; Mr. Behan, embroidered blotter; Mr. and Mrs. B. Heckstall Smith, silver photo frame; Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Stanfield, silver sugar shifter; Mr. and Mrs. Holiday, picture; Miss Boothman, silver teaspoons; Miss T. Bagshawe, pair of cruets; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Roskell, silver case for playing cards; Mr. Robinson, cake basket; Mr. and Mrs. Anson Veld, silver kettle and stand; Mr. and Mrs. Guisalin, seal and paper knife; Sir Theodore Martin, tea service; Mr. and Mrs. Goldie, silver framed mirror; Mrs. Edward Rymer and Family, silver afternoon tea service; Mrs. Hewitt, Honiton lace handkerchief; Mrs. Rowsell,silver salt cellars; Mr. and Mrs. Mort, Venetian glass vase; Mr. and Mrs. T. V. Scully,silver candlesticks; the Dowager Lady Knill,silver fish carvers; Mr. and Mrs. Forster Cooper, flower pot; Mr. and Mrs. Lee, fruit spoon; Mr. and Mrs. Henry Fielding Dickens, morning tea service; Miss Roberts, picture; Mr. F. W. Sherwood, picture; Dr. and Miss Hanson, china vase; Mr. and Mrs. Symons Hooper, entree dish; Mrs. Arathoon, pair of china fern holders; Miss Thorpe, gold brooch set with torquoise; Mr. J. Tucker, Indian stool; Miss Hogarth, silver framed engagements tablet; Mrs. C. Clayton Ray, silver tea spoons; Miss Meyer, cookery book; Miss S. D. Roberts, Tennyson’s Poems; Mr. W. and Mr. V. Brandling, silver-mounted scent bottles; Judge Stonor and the Misses Cox, enamelled tea spoons; Miss Beazley, pair of silver pepper pots; Dr and Mrs. Copeman, silver card case; Mr. and Mrs. Pinnington, ivory tusk paper knife; Mr. and Mrs. Hanson Walker, picture; Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Topham, silver-mounted liqueur stand; Mr. and Mrs. L. Casella, silver flask; Mr. and Mrs. Carver, jug and glasses; Mr. T. J. Tolhurst, silver tea caddy; Master J. B. Walton, gold watch chain; Miss Teresa Walton, silver pepper caster; Mr. and Mrs. John Pinnington, cake and bread dish; Mr. and Mrs. Crump, picture; Mr. Langdale, silver-mounted jug; Mrs. Arthur Langdale, cigarette case; Mr. and Mrs. Kirby, old French silver-gilt basket; Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Dobson, serviette rings; Mr. and Mrs. J. O’Brien, silver menu stand; Lord Justice and Lady Collins, book; Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Bateson, mustard pot; Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Tolburst, writing table; Mrs. Clowes and Miss Potts Chatto, library book stand and cases; Lady Mathew, ink stand; Mr. and Mrs. Percy Mortis, coffee cups and silver spoons; Dr. Blackett, gong; Mr. Blackett, match stand; Mr. and Mrs. Coward, salver; the Hon. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Russell, paper knife; Mr. and Mrs. Douglas, silver cake basket; Mr. F. W. Sherwood, book; Mr and Mrs. Snead Cox, silver sweet dishes; Mr. and Mrs. Finney, silver candlesticks; Mr. Justice and Lady Kennedy, specimen table; Lord and Lady Russell of Killowen, Thackeray’s Works; Mr. and Mrs. Tolburst, silver tea service; Mr. Hollams, repeating carriage clock; the Hon. Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Russell, copper breakfast stand; the maids at 11, Montagu-square, hot water jug; Mr. and Mrs. Boursct, silver sugar bowl; Mr. H. Brand, case of razors; Mr. W. Cmsar, silver cigarette case; Mrs. J. Shoolbred, silver pepper casters; Mr. J. Shoolbred, paper weight; Mr. Chas. Medley, silver-mounted jug; Mr. and Harrison, paper knife; Mr. and Mrs. T. Mathew, engraving; Mr. Denis O’Conor, silver cigar case; Mr. Trappes Lomax, silver ink stand; Mr. Philip Walton, paper knife; Mr. Edmund Walton, case of razors; Miss A. Manley, paper knife; Mr. and Mrs. Herbert, paper knife; Mr. Austin King, Jun., silver salver; Mr. and Mrs. Oswald Walmesley, china fruit stand; Captain Skeet, silver menu holders; Mr. Justice and Lady Bigham, picture; Mr. and Mrs. Synnott, cake dish; Mr. and Mrs. Taylor, Sheraton; Mr. Billson M.P., and Mrs. Billson, serviette sings and knife holders; Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Gatti, antique silver tea caddy; Mr. Butler Aspinall, Q.C., silver tea knives; Mr. and Mrs. Chance, vases; Judge and Mrs. French, silver bowl; Mr. Louis Walton, silver toast rack; Sir Patrick and Lady Coll, silver fruit spoons and sifter; Mr. and Mrs. Bourchier Hawksley, china tea set; Mr. and Mrs. Bankes, sauce ladles; Mr. G. Marshall Griffith, silver candlesticks; Mr. and Mrs. Sims Williams, tables; Mr. and Mrs. Johnson, silver candlesticks; Miss Flury, match stand; and Mr. Alexander Walton, silver ash trays.

The above text was found on p.27, 3rd February 1900 in “The Tablet: The International Catholic News Weekly.” Reproduced with kind permission of the Publisher. The Tablet can be found at http://www.thetablet.co.uk .


19th May 1900 Alfred O’Bryen and Daisy Smith


On Tuesday, at Newsham, near Preston, was solemnized the marriage of Mr.A. C, of Cliveden, Sevenoaks, Kent, eldest son of the late Mr. J. Roche O’Bryen, M.D., Clifton, Bristol, and Miss Margaret Mary (Daisy) Smith, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Smith, of Newsham House, Lancaster. Great interest was taken in the marriage both in Preston and Lancaster, where the bride’s father, who was formerly the representative in Parliament of the North Lonsdale Division, is well known through his close connection with public affairs. There was a large assemblage of guests at St. Mary’s Church, where the ceremony took place. The bride, who was given away by her father, was attired in a gown of ivory satin duchesse, with transparent yoke and sleeves of Brussels applique, jewelled with brilliants. Her ornaments included a gold curb watch chain, a leaf-shaped brooch of family diamonds, and a pearl brooch, a gold locket, and a diamond half-hoop ring, the gifts of the bridegroom and she carried a shower bouquet of white marguerites and white orchids. She was attended by three bridesmaids-Miss Lillie Smith and Miss Hilda Smith, sisters, and Miss M. Lescher, cousin of the bridegroom. They wore pink crepe de chine, with tucked skirt, trimmed lace and insertion. The corsages had yokes of cream lace and fichus of pink chiffon, edged with silk fringe. They wore picture hats trimmed with They wore picture hats trimmed with shaded roses, gold curb bracelets set with turquoises and pearls, the gift of the bridegroom. Mrs. Smith, the bride’s mother, was gowned in black grenadine, lined with a delicate shade of green, and effectively trimmed with lace insertion and chiffon, and her bouquet was of cream roses. Her bonnet was of Tuscan straw, trimmed with purple orchids and black velvet. The bridegroom’s mother wore pale purple silk, and had a bouquet similar to that of Mrs. Smith. The best man was Mr. Joseph Pyke, of Preston, and Mr. E. G. Smith, cousin of the bride, and Mr. W. B. S. Smith, brother, were groomsmen. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. P. A. O’Bryen, B.A., brother of the bridegroom assisted by the Rev. E. L. Smith, cousin of the bride, the Very Rev. Prior Burge, 0.S.B., and the Rev. Father Kearney, rector of the church. A reception was held at Newsham House, after which Mr. and Mrs. O’Bryen started for Switzerland, where the honeymoon is to be spent. The bride’s -travelling costume consisted of Wedgwood cloth, trimmed with white silk, having a lace collar threaded with black velvet. Her hat was of pink straw, lined with chiffon and trimmed with pink roses and ribbon.

Amongst the many presents received were the following : Mr. W. Smith, framed oil painting (Wyburd).; Mr. W. Smith, grand piano, cheque ; Mrs. Smith, Crown Derby tea set ; Mr. W. B. T. Smith, five. branch cricklite lamp ; the Mayor of Lancaster and Mrs. Preston, silver and ivory fish carvers, and silver-mounted spirit decanter ; the servants, Barton Hall and Newsham House, marble timepiece ; Mr. and Mrs. Mason Hutchinson, case of salt cellars, pepperettes, and mustard, with spoons; Mr. and Mrs. Bullen, silver-mounted bread board ; Mr. and Mrs. F. Stanfield, silver salt cellars and spoons ; Judge and Mrs. Bagshawe, gold-mounted crocodile purse ; Mr. J. W. Leeming, silver and glass claret jug ; Mr. and Mrs. Richard Smith, silver candlesticks ; the Very Rev. Canon Taylor, pair of silver salt cellars; the Reform Club, Lancaster, silver and ivory candlesticks ; Mr. and Mrs. Pyke, , pair of silver candlesticks ; Mr. J. Pyke, pair of silver flower vases ; from the tenantry of the Barton estate, a handsome silver dish.

The above text was found on p.xx, 19th May 1900 in “The Tablet: The International Catholic News Weekly.” Reproduced with kind permission of the Publisher. The Tablet can be found at http://www.thetablet.co.uk .

There has been a strong Catholic presence in the district north of Preston, even during the reign of Elizabeth I, when it was a perilous matter to be a Catholic. The district, in these difficult times, was well served by having several country houses where priests stayed regularly and where faithful Catholics would meet to share the Eucharist. One of these houses was “The Hough”, whose chapel was used as a Mass centre from the latter half of the 17th century until it was demolished and Newsham House was erected. In 1896, this became the property of William Smith MP for North Lonsdale.

Earlier, in 1741, a small chapel had been built on a six acre plot of land from “The Hough” estate, purchased from the Dowager, Duchess of Norfolk. This chapel, dedicated to St. Lawrence, was described as “Small and ill made” and was replaced in 1744 by a chapel known as St. Lawrence’s Newchapel. Then in 1805 a further chapel, dedicated to St. Mary (to differentiate between the latter on Garstang Road, Barton) was constructed on the site, which served the Catholic community until 1905, when it was replaced by the present beautiful church, the gift of William Smith of Newsham House. It was consecrated on 22nd November 1906 and formally opened in January 1907.

October 18 1902 George Lynch – Carmela Lescher

This is a nicely complicated family wedding. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Harwood Lescher, the bride’s parents are both O’Bryen cousins. Mrs. Frank Harwood Lescher (nee Mary O’Connor Graham Grehan), is Celia O’Bryen’s niece. She is the eldest daughter of Patrick Grehan III, Celia’s brother. Frank Harwood Lescher is the son of Joseph Sidney Lescher, whose sister Harriet Lescher is the second wife of Patrick Grehan Junior, so he is Celia O’Bryen’s step-mother’s nephew.

So the O’Bryen boys are all first cousins of the bride’s mother, and first cousins once removed of the bride’s father. This makes (Thomas )Edward, (Frank) Graham, (Mary) Carmela , and (Mercedes) Adela Lescher all second cousins

St James, Spanish Place

On Saturday, October 18, the marriage was celebrated at St. James’s, Spanish-place, between Mary Carmela Lescher, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Harwood Lescher, of 31, Devonshire-place, and George Lynch, the well-known war and special correspondent, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. George Lynch, Mount Verdon, Cork. The marriage ceremony was performed by the Rev. Wilfrid Lescher, 0.P., uncle of the bride. The Very Rev. Canon Gildea, rector of St. James’s, assisted. The Rev. F. Pius Cavanagh, 0.P., was present. The nuptial Mass was said by the Rev. H. Laughton; Master Graham Lescher, brother of the bride, served at the altar. After the Mass, the Rev. Wilfrid Lescher announced that the Papal Blessing had been received from Rome, and, addressing the happy couple, he said that they had received the blessings of the Church’s rite, to which he was happy to add the special Benediction of Pope Leo XIII., who sent it to them most lovingly. He wished to express further the good wishes of all present. When the angel Raphael had conducted Tobias to a happy marriage, he enjoined him to declare the works of God. It was fitting the same should be done now. They had been led to choose each other. That choice was a great act in their lives. The sacramental grace which ratified it was a great gift from God. They ought to honour God and express gratitude for such a gift. Might the joy of this day grow and last and become a state of persevering fidelity till it was crowned by the reward prepared in heaven for promises fulfilled.

st-james-spanish-place interior
St James, Spanish Place

The Church of St. James’s is a fine one, and on this occasion its beauties were well brought out by the artistic decoration. The choir sang during the Mass with its usual devotional and touching effect, under the direction of the Rev. Father Sankey. The bride wore a dress of white satin duchesse, draped with beautiful Carrickmacross applique; a graceful court train was composed of panne, lined with billowy chiffon. The two grown-up bridesmaids, Miss Mercedes Lescher, sister to the bride, and Miss Rosie Lynch, sister to the bridegroom, were dressed in soft white satin with Puritan capes of fine lace delicately embroidered in blues and greens; they wore black picture hats and carried bouquets of pink roses.

Two dainty little girls, Miss Rosalind Lescher, cousin to the bride, and Miss Laura Ball, in white satin, Kate Greenaway frocks, and large Hack hats, attended. They were escorted by two pages, Master Bernard Nugent and Master Jack Ball, in black velvet with lace collars. Later, there was a reception at 31, Devonshire-place, and the bridal presents were displayed.

The guests numbered over 200. The bride went away in a vieux rose coloured cloth gown with which was worn a handsome set of sables, and the picturesque costume was completed by a black Gainsborough hat.

Among the presents were: From the bride to bridegroom, pearl pin and walking stick; from the bridegroom to bride, diamond ring, pearl bracelet, and Chinese embroideries ; the Hon. Mrs. Petre, writing case ; Mr. and Mrs. Lynch, silver tea and coffee set ; Mr. Lynch, cheque and watch chain ; Miss Mercedes Lescher, sable muff; Lady Austin, Carrickmacross applique ; Rev. Wilfrid Lescher, portrait of the Pope; Mrs. J. Leeming, silver clock ; Sir Evelyn Wood, George III. punch ladle ; Mrs. Casella,(probably Edward Lescher’s mother in law) silver fruit dishes ; Mrs. F. Harwood Lescher, cheque and diamond ring ; Sir Donald and Lady Macfarlane, silver frame ; the Rev. P.A. O’Bryen, cheque ; Miss Clara Bagshawe, table centre ; Mr. and Mrs. C. Casella, silver match-box case  ; Mr. Rex O’Bryen, electric clock; Mr. and Mrs. Witham, silver salver ; Sir Joseph and Lady Walton, artistic frame ; Mr. Dalglish, book ; Mr. and Mrs. E. O’Bryen, silver vases ; Mr. and Mrs. E. Harding, cakestand, cream jug, and sugar basin ; Mr. and Mrs. Snead Cox, blotter and paper case ; Mr. and Mrs. A. O’Bryen, silver fish slice and fork ; Miss M. Bellasis, silver pepper box ; Miss Marie Hussey Walsh, silver frame ; Mr. and Mrs. J. Leeming, photo frame ; Mr. and Mrs. Pugin, table centre ; the Very Rev. Canon Gildea, book ; the Marchese and Marchesa Mattie, cheese and butter dish ; Lady Vavasour, Minton china dish.