Mattei – Bagshawe 16th February 1901

On Saturday the 16th of February, at the Pro-Cathedral, Kensington, was celebrated the marriage of the Marchese Mattei, of Capua Palace, Malta, and the Middle Temple, and Miss Teresa Bagshawe, daughter of his Honour Judge Bagshawe, K.C., of 249, Cromwell-road.The ceremony was performed by the Right Rev. Dr. Bagshawe, Bishop of Nottingham, uncle of the bride, assisted by the Rev. Michael Fanning and the Rev. J. Bampton, S.J. During the Nuptial Mass Gourod’s Ave Maria and Niedermayer’s Pater noster were sung by Signor Caprili. The bride wore a white satin dress trimmed with orange-blossoms, and with a long court train of while satin. Her ornaments were a long pearl chain and a diamond pendant, the gifts of the bridegroom. A special blessing was sent from the Holy Father by telegram from Cardinal Rampolla.

The bride was given away by her father, and was attended by four bridesmaids, the Misses Gertrude and Helen Bagshawe, her sisters; Miss Hilda Bagshawe, her cousin, and Miss Mildred Turnbull. The bridesmaids’ dresses were of white crepe de chine over white silk, trimmed with cream lace, and gold belts. Their hats were of black chiffon trimmed with white roses, and they wore gold curb bracelets set with turquoises, and carried bouquets of two shades of Parma violets, the gifts of the bridegroom. Mr. Paul Strickland attended the bride-groom as best man. The guests were numerous, and among those invited were his Grace the Duke of Norfolk, K.G., H.E. the Turkish Ambassador, the Charge d’Affaires for Italy, Sir E. T. Reed, M.P., Lady Sykes, Sir Donald and Lady Macfarlane, Sir J. Montefiore, Mrs. Latter, Mr. and Mrs. Field Stanfield, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Bagshawe, Madam O’Grady, Major and Mrs. Blacker, Mr. and Mrs. H. K. Bicknell, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Stanfield, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Turnbull of Whitby, Mr., Mrs. and Miss Jessop, the Rev. Francis Stanfield, Canon Gordon, Canon Bagshawe, D.D., Canon Rymer, Mrs. John Grace, Mrs. and Miss Fuller, Miss Eyre, Mr., Mrs. and Miss Spielmann, Mr. and Mrs. Doughty Brown, Mr. and Mrs. B. Cuddon, Mr, T. M. Turnbull, Mr. Murland Evans, and Major O’Connor (Militia), R. A. M. S.

The presents included the following : Bridegroom to bride, diamond pendant, long pearl chain, sapphire and diamond ring, diamond ring, gold muff chain set with turquoises, diamond and emerald pendant, garnet and white sapphire necklace, &c., &c. ; brothers and sisters of the bridegroom, old Georgian silver tea and coffee service and tray; Judge Bagshawe, ivory crucifix ; Mrs. Bagshawe, bronze benitier, silver candlesticks ; his Grace the Duke of Norfolk, K.G., emerald and diamond brooch ; H.E. the Turkish Ambassador, gold fruit spoons ; Sir D. and Lady Macfarlane, embossed silver toilet set and case ; Lady Sykes, silver candelabra; Mr. and Mrs. Field Stanfield, turquoise and diamond bangle ; Misses G. and H. Bagshawe, calling-bag, Mr. and Mrs. H. K. Bicknell, silver coffee service; Major and Mrs. Blacker, large silver-framed mirror ; Sir J. Montefiore, old Florentine gold tea-spoons ; the Misses Muriel and Gladys Bagshawe, “Oakes,” Derbyshire, silver card-case ; Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Stanfield, silver sugar-sifter ; Lady Knill, Victorian scent-bottle ; Lady Mathew, old silver wine-taster ; Dr. and Mrs. Jessop, silver-framed mirror ; Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Walton, gold-mounted umbrella ; Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Turnbull, silver rose-bowl ; Miss Turnbull, silver sugar-basin ; Lady Austin, sapphire and diamond bangle; Mr., Mrs. and Misses Fuller, pearl brooch ; Mr. and Mrs. Michael Grace, old silver vases ; Mrs. John Grace, silver cake-basket ; Lady Mary Milbanke, silver taper-holder ; Judge Bacon, Japanese vases ; Mr. Paul Strickland, Venetian bowl ; Canon Gordon, portrait of his Holiness Leo XIII. ; Mr. J. R. Bagshawe, oil painting ; Mrs. Latter, silver tea-spoons ; Miss Stanfield, jewel-case; Father Stanfield, table-writing set.; Dr. and Mrs. Bagshawe (Hastings), silver scent-bottle ; Mr. Wainer and clerk, silver tantalus ; Servants at Cromwell-road, statue.

The above text was found on p.28, 23rd February 1901 in “The Tablet: The International Catholic News Weekly.” Reproduced with kind permission of the Publisher. The Tablet can be found at .


Luke Howard 1772 – 1864 – The Namer of Clouds

If you are driving from Enfield towards Stoke Newington down the A10, a little to the south of White Hart Lane, you find yourself on Bruce Grove. It’s all fairly run-down now, but on the right-hand side there is a small terrace of late Georgian houses which includes No. 7. which  was one half of a pair of symmetrical villas, built in the late 18th or early 19th century and part of a consecutive group (1-16). It became the Tottenham Trades Hall in 1919.  Currently it is derelict. On the front wall facing the street is Tottenham’s only blue plaque. The house also has a great view south, and east, across the Lee river valley, and the City, and East End. It must have been a great place to watch clouds, although Luke Howard was only there for the last twelve years of his life.luke_howard-plaque

This is almost my most favourite English Heritage plaque in London; it is certainly one of the most thought-provoking, and probably one of the coolest, possibly only rivalled by this pair in Brook Street. georg-frideric-handel-plaque jimi-henrix-plaque






It’s a staggering thought that one man classified all the main cloud types in 1803, and more to the point what did people use before – fluffy? straight? round? 

Luke Howard 1772-1864

Luke Howard was born in London on 28 November 1772, the eldest son of Robert Howard and his wife Elizabeth, Robert Howard was a lamp manufacturer. Luke was a Quaker, later converting to the Plymouth Brethren. He was educated at a Quaker school at Burford, in Oxfordshire and was then apprenticed to a retail chemist in Stockport, just outside Manchester. He set up his own pharmacy in Fleet Street in 1793. In approximately 1797, he went into partnership with William Allen to form the pharmaceutical company of Allen and Howard in London. A factory was opened on the marshes at Plaistow, to the east of London. The partnership was dissolved in 1807 and the company became Howards and Sons in 1856. He spent the years 1824 to 1852 in Ackworth, Yorkshire, and died in Tottenham in 1864.

He made a number of significant contributions to the subject of meteorology besides his cloud classification, and published “The Climate of London” (first edition 1818, second edition 1830), “Seven lectures on meteorology” (1837), “A cycle of eighteen years in the seasons of Britain” (1842) and “Barometrographia” (1847). But the most important was “On the modification of clouds”  in December 1802.

The success of Howard’s system was his application of Linnean principles of natural history classification [i.e. using Latin, and that species were grouped into genera (singular: genus), genera were grouped into orders (higher level groupings), and orders into classes. Classes in turn were parts of “kingdoms”, of which he, along with his contemporaries and predecessors, recognised three: mineral, plant, and animal. Species bore a double (or “binomial” name) — the first term of which gave their genus, and the second their species.] and his emphasis on the mutability of clouds. 

But he named clouds, and I’d be really, really proud if I’d done that.

“On the modification of clouds” 1802  introduced three basic cloud types:

  • Cirrus (Latin for a curl of hair), which he described as “parallel, flexuous, or diverging fibres, extensible in any or all directions”.
  • Cumulus (meaning heap), which he described as “convex or conical heaps, increasing upward from a horizontal base”.
  • Stratus (meaning something spread), which he described as “a widely extended, continuous, horizontal sheet, increasing from below”. 

He combined these names to form four more cloud types:

  • Cirro-cumulus, which he described as “small, well-defined roundish masses, in close horizontal arrangement”.
  • Cirro-stratus, which he described as “horizontal or slightly inclined masses, attenuated towards a part or the whole of their circumference, bent downward, or undulated, separate, or in groups consisting of small clouds having these characters”.
  • Cumulostratus, which he described as “the cirrostratus blended with the cumulus, and either appearing intermixed with the heaps of the latter, or super-adding a widespread structure to its base”.
  • Cumulo-cirro-stratus or Nimbus, which he called the rain cloud, “a cloud or system of clouds from which rain is falling”. He described it as “a horizontal sheet, above which the cirrus spreads, while the cumulus enters it laterally and from beneath”.

Luke Howard is almost family as well; his son-in-law, John Hodgkin junior (1800-1875) is a first cousin, five times removed.