29th April 1903 Hugh Burns and Laura Agius

The Tablet, Page 29, 9th May 1903


On the 29th at St. Dominic’s Priory, Maitland Park, by the Rev. Father Carlin, Hugh Burns, son of Mr. and Mrs. Burns, Parkmoor, Eaglescliffe, to Laura, second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. T. Agius, 3, Belsize Grove, London, N.W. The bride (who was given away by her father) was attired in soft white satiny empire gown, trimmed with Maltase lace and chiffon. The train was all Maltese lace, her coronet was of orange blossom with tulle veil, and her ornaments were diamond and pearl earrings (the gift of Major Muscat), and rope of pearls (the gift of the parents). The bridesmaids were Miss Daisy and Miss Connie Agius (sisters of the bride), Miss Minnie Harburg, Miss Roper Parkington, Miss Burns and Miss Judith Pile. Their dresses were of champagne colour, crepe de chine and lace—hats of champagne straw— lace and foliage. They carried bouquets of shaded geraniums with pink and red streamers; these with pearl and enamel flower brooches, were the gift of the bridegroom.

The Rev. Father Catlin, of Newry, uncle of the bridegroom, assisted by the Dominican Fathers, officiated. The bridegroom was attended by Mr. James Burns, his brother, as best man. After Mass the Papal Benediction was given to all present. After the ceremony a reception was held at 3, Belsize Grove, which was very largely attended. Among those invited were : The Lord and Lady Mayoress, Mr. Justice and Lady Walton, Colonel Sir J. and Lady Roper Parkington, Lord Grenfell of Kilvey, Major and Mrs. St. Aubyn, Sir Alfred Jones and Mrs. Pinnock, Sir John and Lady Aird, Marchese and Marchesa Mattei, Mr and Mrs  McCay and family, Captain A. Denaro, Mr , Mrs  and the Misses Casella, Mr Walker Smith, J.P., and Mrs. Smith, Mr, Mrs and Miss Lescher, Mr and Mrs C. Pile and Mr T. M. Pile, Dr and Miss Ware, Mr P. Strickland, Mr and Mrs Weigall, Mr S. Samuel, Mr and  Mrs Romero, Mr and Mrs Bellord, Mr and Mrs O’Bryen, Mrs  and the Misses Kuypers, Mr and Mrs  C. Light, Mr  and Mrs  Le Brassear, the Misses Roll, Mr and Mrs  Mansell, Mrs and Miss Sass, Engineer Rear Admiral and Mrs  Chilcott and about 300 others.

The presents were : bridegroom to bride, diamond and ruby ring and bracelet ; bride to bridegroom, gold and platinum chain ; bride’s parents, rope of pearls, canteen, house linen, furs ; bridegroom’s parents, furniture ; the Rev. Dom Ambrose Agius, 0.S.B., illuminated parchment with Papal Blessing ; Edgar T. Agius, dog-cart ; Major and Mrs Muscat, diamond and pearl ear-rings, silver tea and coffee service on tray, French drawing-room furniture ; sisters of the bride, French china tea and coffee service ; bride’s brothers, standard lamp and shade ; Professor and Mrs  Cassan, cut-glass table set ; Mr and Mrs Eddy Agius, tantalus ; Captain and Mrs. A. Amigo, silver-fitted dressing-case; Captain and Mrs Denaro, bronze lamp and shade ; Mr and Mrs McCay, silver dish.

Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Burns left for Dover and Paris, where the honeymoon will be spent. The bride’s going away dress was of French embroidered cloth and was worn with a lace hat trimmed with feathers.

2 thoughts on “29th April 1903 Hugh Burns and Laura Agius

  1. Just discovered your interesting blog… having discovered The Tablet archives a long time ago! Laura Agius was one of my great-aunts and her father Ed T Agius now has 407 descendants mainly in England and Malta, Our story is very much one of an influential Catholic businessman living in Hampstead 1880-1920. See our website http://agiusww1.com . Do email me and I can point you to a couple more family weddings fully reported in The Tablet,

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