The Tablet, 3rd May 1924
At St. James’s, Spanish Place, W., on Friday of last week, the marriage took place of Mr. Alan O’Bryen, eldest son of the late Mr. E. A. O’Bryen and Lady O’Bryen, of 44, Harley House, to Marie Louise, eldest daughter of the late Mr. Leonard A. Bidwell and Mrs. Bidwell, of 10, James Street, Westbourne Terrace, W.2. The Bishop of Miletopolis, the Right Rev. Mgr. Bidwell, cousin of the bride, performed the ceremony ; Father W. Bodkin, Provincial, S.J., celebrated the nuptial Mass, and Mr. Kenneth O’Bryen, brother of the bridegroom, was best man. The bride, who was given away by her brother, Mr. T. L. Bidwell, was dressed in white crepe de Chine with a train of Limerick lace, lent by her grandmother, Lady Roper Parkington, which was borne by Miss Dorothy Bidwell, sister of the bride. In attendance upon her were also Miss Cicely O’Bryen and Miss Valencia Lancaster, wearing frocks of hyacinth-blue crêpe de Chine embroidered in silver, and oxydized silver lace caps.
Following the ceremony a reception was held at 44, Harley House.