A Copy of the CHARTER of The Corporation of the Governor and Company of the Bank of IRELAND.
GEORGE THE THIRD, by the Grace of God, of Great Britain, France and Ireland, King, Defender of the Faith, and so forth, To all unto whom these presents shall come, GREETING.
WHEREAS, in and by a certain Act, lately made in our Parliament of Ireland, entitled, An Act for establishing a Bank, by the name of “THE GOVERNOR AND COMPANY OF THE BANK OF IRELAND”, it is amongst other things enacted, that it should and might be lawful to and for us, by Commission under the Great Seal of Ireland, to authorise and appoint any number of persons, to take and receive all such voluntary Subscriptions as should be made on or before the first day of January, in the year 1784, by any Person or Persons, Natives or Foreigners, Bodies Politic or Corporate, for and towards the raising and paying into the receipt of our Treasury of Ireland the sum of Six Hundred Thousand Pounds sterling, to be paid in Money, or by Debentures which have been or shall be issued from our said Treasury by virtue of any Act or Acts of Parliament theretofore, or in the then present Sessions of Parliament, made in our Kingdom of Ireland, bearing an Interest at the rate of Four Pounds per centum per annum, which Debentures should be taken at par, and considered as Money, by the persons to whom the same should be paid; for which sum so to be subscribed, a sum by way of Annuity, equal in amount, to the Interest on the said Debentures, should be paid at out Treasury in manner in the said Act mentioned; And that it should and might be lawful for us, by our Letters Patent, under the Great Seal of Ireland, to limit, direct, and appoint, how, and in what manner and proportions, and under what Rules and Directions the said sum of Six Hundred Thousand Pounds sterling, and every, or any part or proportion thereof may be assignable or transferrable, assigned or transferred, to such person or persons only, as shall freely and voluntarily accept or the same, and not otherwise; and to incorporate all and every such Subscribers and Contributors, their Executors, Administrators, Successors or Assignees, to be one Body Corporate and Politic, by the Name of “The Governor and Company of The Bank of Ireland”, to have perpetual succession, and with such privileges and powers, and to be under, such Rules as are therein mentioned; subject nevertheless, to a certain proviso or condition of redemption in the said Act contained. And it is thereby further enacted, that no one Person, or Body Politic, or Corporation, should by himself, herself, or themselves, or by any person in trust for him, her, or them, subscribe towards raising the said sum of Six Hundred Thousand Pounds sterling, any sum, or sums of Money, exceeding the sum of Ten Thousand Pounds sterling, for the use of such Person, or Body Politic or Corporation respectively: And that every such Subscriber, should at the time of such Subscription, pay, or cause to be paid, unto the Commissioners who shall be authorised to receive Subscriptions as aforesaid, on full fourth part of his, her, or their respective Subscriptions; and in default of such payment, every such Subscription shall be void; and that the residue of such Subscription shall be paid into our said Treasury, in such manner and proportions, and at such times, before the first day of January, which shall be the year 1784, as such Commissioners shall direct and appoint: And in default of any such Payments, and then such parts that shall have been paid, shall be forfeited to and for the benefit of the said Bank, to be applied as in the said Act is mentioned. And it is thereby further enacted, in case the whole sum of Six Hundred Thousand Pounds sterling should not be subscribed, on or before the first day of January, which shall be in the year of our Lord 1784, and that in such case the said Subscribers should be entitled to, and receive from the said Commissioners, such, or like Debentures, or such sums of Money as shall have been by them subscribed and paid, with all Interest accruing upon the said Debentures, during the time the same shall have been deposited with the said Commissioners; and that the said sum of Six Hundred Thousand Pounds sterling, when paid by the said Subscribers, shall be the common capital stock of the said Bank. And that all and every Debenture and Debentures subscribed in part, or for the whole of the said Stock, shall, as soon as the same shall be deposited by the said Subscribers, be locked up in a Chest in our said Treasury until the same shall be cancelled: And that from and after the passing our said Letters Patent, all and every such Debentures shall be cancelled by our Vice Treasurer of Ireland, his Deputy or Deputies, in the presence of the Governor and Company of the said Bank, from which day all Interest payable on the said Debentures shall cease, and in lieu thereof, there shall be paid and payable out of the Funds made applicable by Parliament for Interest on said Debentures one Annuity or yearly sum of Twenty four Thousand Pounds sterling, to be paid by half yearly payments to the said Governor and Company of the said Bank , as in the said Act mentioned; and that the said annual sum of Twenty four Thousand Pounds sterling, shall be applied to the uses of all the Members of the said Corporation for the time being, rateably to each Member’s share of, and interest in, the Common Capital Stock of the said Governor and Company, pursuant to such Rules as should be specified by our said Letters Patent.
AND WHEREAS in pursuance of the said Act, we did by our Commission, or Letters Patent, under the Great Seal of Ireland, bearing date at Dublin, the twenty seventh day of July now last past, nominate, constitute, authorise, and appoint our trusty and well-beloved the Right Honourable Joseph Earl of Milltown, [Here follow the Names of the rest of the Commissioners] or any three or more of them, to be our COMMISSIONERS, to take and receive all such voluntary Subscriptions as should be made on or before the said first day of January, in the year of our Lord 1784, by any Person or Persons, Natives or Foreigners, on by or for any Body Politic or Corporate, for, and towards the raising and paying of the said sum of Six Hundred Thousand Pounds sterling, in manner in the said Act mentioned, with Power and Direction to them, or such, or so many of them as are thereby authorised and appointed to take such Subscriptions; and also to direct and appoint in what manner the residue of such Subscriptions should be paid in, and to do, and perform such matters and things in relation thereunto as are thereby enjoined. And we did and by the same Commission, promise and declare, that in case the said sum of Six Hundred Thousand Pounds sterling should be subscribed and paid before the said first day of January, in the said year 1784, that then We, our Heirs or Successors, should, and would immediately after the said first day of January 1784, or so soon as Six Hundred Thousand Pounds sterling should be subscribed and paid as aforesaid, (which of them should first happen) grant, and make forth our Royal Charter, or Letters Patent, under the Great Seal of Ireland, and thereby incorporate all and every such Subscribers and Contributors who should be then living, and who should not have assigned their Interest in their said Subscriptions; and in case any of them should be dead, the Executors or Administrators of such Subscribers: And in case any of the said Subscribers should have assigned their Interest in the said Subscriptions, in all such cases the Assignees of such Subscribers to be one Body Corporate and Politic, by the Name of THE GOVERNOR AND COMPANY OF THE BANK OF IRELAND, with such Powers, Capacities, Privileges, Benefits, Liberties and Advantages, and under and subject to such Rules, Restrictions, Power of Redemption, Provisoes, Limitations and Clauses as are herein mentioned or referred unto. And we did thereby for us, our Heirs, and Successors, declare, limit, and appoint, that all and every person and persons, his, her, and their Executors, Administrators, Successors, and Assignees, according and in proportion to the sum or sums of Money by him, her, or them, respectively subscribed and paid, should have and be deemed to have an Interest or Share in the said Stock of Six Hundred Thousand Pounds sterling, and the Annuity granted by the said Act: and that such Interest or Share, or any part thereof, should be assignable and transferrable, and should and might be assigned and transferred, by any person or persons intitled thereunto, to any other person or persons, and so over, as fully and effectively as any other Interest whatsoever, is by Law assignable; so as such Assignments or Transfers which should be made on or before the full and complete subscribing and paying the said sum of Six Hundred Thousand Pounds sterling, and before the granting of such our Charter of Incorporation, should be entered or registered in the office of our Auditor-General in Ireland, within Thirty-one Days after making the said respective Assignments or Transfers, and all such Assignments and Transfers, which should be made after the granting of our said Charter or Incorporation, should be made, entered and registered, in such manner and form, and at such places, as in and by the said Act, and by our Royal Letter is directed, and is in and by the said Charter or Incorporation shall be directed and appointed.
AND, we did hereby order and direct our said Commissioners, when and so often as they should receive any sums for or towards the Subscription, to pay the same forthwith into our Treasury.
AND, in the said Commission, are contained several other powers, directions, agreements, clauses, matters and things, as in and by the same, relation being thereunto had, more fully and at large appears.
WHEREAS, several sums, amounting in the whole to the sum of Six Hundred Thousand Pounds sterling, have been subscribed, and the first fourth part thereof paid by such Debentures as aforesaid, to our said, Commissioners, or some of them, pursuant to the said Act of Parliament, on or before the 25th day of December last past, for David Latouche, Esq. [Here the Names of the several other Subscribers are inserted]. AND three or more of our said Commissioners being a competent and sufficient number, did direct and require that the residue of the said Subscription should be paid into our said Treasury, on or before the first day of March, in the year of our Lord 1783; and the same was accordingly, on or before the said last-mentioned day, paid by Debentures into our said Treasury.
AND WHEREAS, we being desirous to promote the public good and benefit of our people, and to advance the said credit of our said Kingdom of Ireland, and the extension of its Trade and Commerce, which in these presents are chiefly designed and intended, as well as the profit and advantage of all such as have subscribed and contributed, according to the said Act or Parliament and our said Commissioners thereupon issued, their Executors, Administrators, Successors and Assignees, respectively; and, in pursuance as well of the powers and clauses for the purpose contained in the said Act of Parliament, as of our gracious promise and declaration, made in and by our said Commission or Letters Patent, under the Great Seal of Ireland, whereby the Subscriptions and Contributions on the said Act have been promoted or encouraged; and by virtue of our Prerogitive Royal;
KNOW YE, THEREFORE, that we, of our special grace, certain knowledge, and mere motion, by and with the advice and consent of our right trusty, and right well-beloved cousin and counsellor, GEORGE GRENVILLE NUGENT TEMPLE, EARL TEMPLE, our Lieutenant General and General Governor of our said Kingdom of Ireland, have, in pursuance of the said Act, and according to the tenor and effect of our Letters, under our Privy Signet and Royal Sign Manual, bearing date at our court at St James’s, the 16th day of April 1783, in the twenty-third year of our Reign, and no enrolled in the Rolls of our High Court of Chancery in our said Kingdom of Ireland, HAVE given, granted, made, ordained, constituted, declared, appointed and established, for us, our Heirs and Successors, and the said David Latouche, [Here the Names of the rest of the Subscribers are repeated,] and all and every other Person and Persons, Natives and Foreigners, Bodies Politic or Corporate, who over and above the Persons before especially named, HAVE at any time or times before the making of our said Letters of Patent, subscribed and contributed any sum or sums of Money towards the said sum of Six Hundred Thousand Pounds sterling so subscribed and paid, pursuant to the said Act and our said Commission, and are now living or existent, and have not assigned their Interests in the said Subscriptions, and all and every the Executors Administrators and Successors of any of the said Original Subscribers who are now dead, and have not in their lifetimes assigned their Interests in the said Subscriptions, and the Executors Administrators and Successors of such of the said Assignees who are now dead, and did not in their life times assign or part with their Interests in the said Stock and Annual Fund; and all and every Person and Persons, Natives and Foreigners, Bodies Politic or Corporate, who either as Original Subscribers of the said sum of Six Hundred Thousand Pounds sterling so subscribed, and not having parted with their Interests in their Subscriptions, or as Executors or Administrators, Successors or Assignees, or by any other lawful Title derived or to be derived from, by, or under the said Original Subscribers of the said sum of Six Hundred Thousand Pounds sterling, or any of them, now have, or at any time or times hereafter shall have or be entitled to any Part, Share or Interest, of or in the principal or capital Stock of the said Corporation or the said yearly Fund of Twenty Four Thousand Pounds sterling granted by the said Act of Parliament, or any part thereof, so long as they respectively shall leave any such Part, Share, or Interest therein. And no longer, shall be and be called one Body Politic and Corporate of themselves, in Deed or Name, by the Name of “THE GOVERNOR AND COMPANY OF THE BANK OF IRELAND;” and them, by that Name one Body Politic and Corporate, in Deed and Name,
OUR WILL AND PLEASURE IS, AND WE DO FOR US, OUR HEIRS AND SUCCESSORS, make, create, erect, establish and confirm for ever by these Presents, and by the same, Name, they and their Successors shall have perpetual succession; and shall have and may have and use a common Seal for the use, business, or affairs of the said Body Politic and Corporate, and their Successors, with power to break, alter, and make anew their Seal from time to time at their pleasure, and as they shall see cause; and by the same Name they and their Successors in all times coming, shall be able and capable in Law to have, take, purchase, receive, hold, keep, possess, enjoy and retain to them and their Successors, any Manors, Messuages, Lands, Rents, Tenements, Liberties, Privileges, Franchises, Hereditaments, and Possessions whatsoever; and of what kind, nature, or quality soever: And moreover to purchase and acquire all Goods and Chattels whatsoever, wherein they are not restrained by the said Act; and also to sell, grant, demise, alien and dispose of the same Manors, Messuages, Lands, Rents, Tenements, Liberties, Privileges, Franchises, Hereditaments, Possessions, Goods and Chattels, or any of them, and by the same Name they and their Successors shall and may sue and implead, and be sued and impleaded, answer and defend , and be answered and defended in Courts of Record, or any other place whatsoever, and before whatsoever Judges, Justices, Officers, and Ministers; of us, our Heirs and Successors, in all and singular Suits, Causes Pleas, Actions, and Demands whatsoever, of what kind, nature, or sort soever, and in as large, ample, and beneficial manner and form as any other Body Politic and Corporate, or any other Liege People of Ireland, or other our Dominions, being persons able and capable in Law, may or can have, take, purchase, receive, hold, keep, possess, enjoy, sell, grant, demise, alien, dispose, sue, implead, defend or answer, or be sued, impleaded, defended, or answered in any manner of wise; and shall and may do and execute all and singular other matters and things by the Name aforesaid, that to them shall or may appertain to do by virtue of the said Act, or otherwise; subject nevertheless to the proviso and condition of redemption in the said Act mentioned, and to all and every other Clauses, Provisoes and Conditions in the said Act contained.
AND OUR FURTHER WILL AND PLEASURE is, and we do hereby declare, that all persons having any Interest or Part in the Capital Stock or Fund of the said Corporation either as Original Subscribers or by Assignments, or as Executors or Administrators or otherwise, shall be the esteemed Members of the said Corporation, and shall be admitted into the same without any fee or charge whatsoever.
AND OUR FURTHER WILL AND PLEASURE is, and we do hereby for us, our Heirs, and Successors, declare, limit, direct, and appoint, that the aforesaid sum of Six Hundred Thousand Pounds sterling so subscribed as aforesaid, shall be and be called, accepted, esteemed, reputed and taken, to be the common Capital and principal Stock of the Corporation hereby constituted; and all and every Person and Persons, his, her, and their Executors and Administrators, Successors, Assignees, according and in proportion to the sum or sums of Money by him, her, or them respectively subscribed as aforesaid, shall have and be deemed to have an Interest or Share in the said Principal Stock, and of and in the yearly Fund of Twenty Four Thousand Pounds sterling granted by the said Act of Parliament.
AND OUR FURTHER WILL AND PLEASURE IS, and we do hereby for us, our Heirs, and Successors, authorise, enjoin, and require our Vice-Treasurer or Vice-Treasurers, Pay Master or Pay Masters General of our said Kingdom of Ireland for the time being, his or their Deputy or Deputies, without any further or other Warrant to be had or obtained from us, our Heirs or Successors, to direct their Warrants and Orders according to the said Act, for the payment of the said yearly sum of Twenty Four Thousand Pounds sterling, by and out of the said Monies appointed for the payment of the said yearly sum of Twenty Four Thousand Pounds sterling to the said Governor and Company of the Bank of Ireland, and their Successors: under, and subject nevertheless, to the payment of the issues, fines, amerciaments and debts upon Judgments against the said Corporation, according to the purport of the said Act. And for the better ordering, managing, and governing the said Stock and other Affairs of the said Corporation, and for the making and establishing a continual succession of persons to be Governor, Deputy Governor, and Directors of the said Corporation,
OUR WILL AND PLEASURE IS, and we do by the presents for us, our Heirs and Successors, grant onto the said Governor and Company of the Bank of Ireland, and their Successors, and do hereby ordain and appoint, that there shall be from time to time, for ever (of the said Members of the said Corporation) a Governor, a Deputy Governor and fifteen Directors, of and in the said Corporation; which Governor, Deputy-Governor, and Directors, or any eight, or more of them, (of whom the Governor or Deputy-Governor, unless as hereinafter is excepted, to be always one) shall be and be called a Court of Directors, for the ordering, managing and directing the Affairs of the said Corporation, and shall have such powers and privileges as are hereinafter mentioned:
AND we do hereby nominate, constitute, ordain, and appoint, that David Latouche, Esq. the younger, shall be the present and first Governor; and that Theopilus Thompson, Esq. shall be the present and first Deputy-Governor; and that Alexander Jaffrey, Esq. Travers Hartley, Esq. Sir Nicholas Lawless, Baronet, Amos Strettle, Esq. Jeremiah Vickers, Esq, John Latouche, Esq. Abraham Wilkinson, Esq. George Godfrey Hoffman, Esq. William Colvill, Esq. Peter Latouche, Esq. Samuel Dick, Esq. Jeremiah D’Olier, Esq. Alexander Armstrong, Esq. George Palmer, Esq. and John Allen, Esq. shall be the present and first Directors of the said Corporation; and the said Governor, Deputy-Governor, and Directors shall continue in their present respective Offices until the twenty-fifth day of March, which shall be in the year of our Lord 1784, and until others shall be duly chosen in their respective offices, and sworn into the same, unless they, or any of them, shall sooner die or be removed, as hereinafter mentioned.
PROVIDED ALWAYS, and our Will and Pleasure is, and we do direct, that, at no Annual Election, there shall be chosen for Directors for the ensuing year, above two-thirds of those who were Directors, for the year next preceding.
AND OUR WILL AND PLEASUREIS, AND WE DO FURTHER, by these presents, for us our Heirs and Successors, give and grant onto the said Governor and Company of the Bank of Ireland, and we do hereby ordain, will, and appoint, that is shall and may be lawful to and for all and every Members of the said Corporation, or Body Politic, from time to time, to assemble and meet together at any convenient place or places, for the choice of their Governor, Deputy-Governor, and Directors; and for the making of Bye-laws, Ordinances, Rules, Orders or Directions, for the Government of the said Corporation, and for any other Affairs or Business concerning the same; public notice thereof being given by writing, to be affixed upon the Royal Exchange in Dublin, two days at least before the time appointed for such meeting; and that all the Members of the said Corporation, or so many of them as shall be assembled, shall be, and be called, A General Court of the said Corporation, which shall meet and assemble at such times, and in such manners, as hereinafter is directed; and that all succeeding Governors, Deputy-Governors, and Directors of the said Corporation, shall, from and after the five and twentieth day of March, in the year of our Lord 1784, be yearly and successively chosen for ever out of the Members of the said Corporation, on some day or days, between the five and twentieth day of March, and twenty-fifth day of April in every year, by the majority of Votes, of all and every of the Members of the said Corporation, having then, each of them, in their own right, Five Hundred Pounds sterling, or more,, Share or Interest in the said Capital Stock and Fund of the said Corporation; and who shall be personally present at such Elections, every of them having a Share amounting to Five Hundred Pounds sterling, or more, to have, and give, one vote, and no more, which succeeding Governors, Deputy-Governors, and Directors so chosen, shall severally and respectively continue in their respective offices, to which they shall be severally elected, for one year, and until others shall be duly chosen and sworn into their places respectively.
PROVIDED NEVERTHELESS, that in case of death, avoidance, or removed of the Governor, Deputy-Governor, or any of the Directors of the said Corporation for the time being, the Survivors of them, or the majority of those remaining in their Offices, shall and may at any time assemble together the Members of the said Corporation, in order to elect other persons, by Members qualified to vote in manner aforesaid, in the name of those, dead, removed, or avoided; and that every Deputy-Governor (in the absence of the Governor) shall have the same power as a Governor:
PROVIDED NEVERTHELESS, and our Will and Pleasure is, and we do hereby ordain, constitute, and appoint, and command, that no person or persons, shall be, or be esteemed qualified or capable to be an Elector to vote, or shall give any vote to any General Court or otherwise, for an election of Governor, Deputy-Governor, or Directors, or any of them; or for, or concerning the making of Bye-Laws, or in any other matter relating to the Affairs or Government of the said Corporation, who shall not have at the time of such General Court, and have had for six calendar Months previous thereto, in his, her, or their names and right, and for his, her, or their own use, and not in trust for any other, Five Hundred Pounds sterling or more, Share or Interest in the said capital Stock of the said Corporation, unless such Capital Stock shall become the property of such person, or persons, by marriage, by bequest, or by virtue of the Statute for distributing the personal property of Intestates: and who also shall not at the time of holding any such General Court, take the Oath hereinafter mentioned, if required thereunto by any Member or Members of the said Corporation then present, having each Five Hundred Pounds sterling, Share, or Interest at least, in the said capital Stock, before the Governor, Deputy-Governor, before the Governor, Deputy-Governor, or any two or more of the Directors of the said Corporation, viz. “I, A. B.” do swear that the sum of Five Hundred Pounds sterling of the Capital Stock of the Body Politic, called by the Name of The Governor and Company of the Bank of Ireland, doth at this time belong to me, and hath for the space of six calendar Months belonged to me in my own right, and not in trust for any other person or persons” but in case such Stock shall have come by marriage, bequest, or under the said Statute for distributing the personal property of Intestates, then the words following, to wit, “ and hath belonged to me for the space of six calendar Months” shall be omitted; and instead thereof, shall be inserted the words following, to wit, “and hath come to me by marriage, bequest, or under the said Statute for distributing the personal property of Intestates”.
AND we do hereby constitute, ordain, and appoint, that no one Member of the said Corporation, shall in any election of Governor, Deputy-Governor, Director or other Officer of the said Corporation, or in any the Business or Affairs of the said Corporation, have, or give any more than one vote, whatever his Share or Interest in the said capital Stock shall be.
PROVIDED NEVERTHELESS, that any person or persons, commonly called or known to be Quakers, when at the time of holding any such General Court as aforesaid, shall have Five Hundred Pounds sterling, Interest or Share, or more, in the said Capital Stock; and shall then, if hereunder required by any Member or Members or the said Corporation then present, having each Five Hundred Pounds sterling, Share or Interest, at least in the Capital Stock, to make and sign a solemn declaration to the effect as aforesaid, as the case shall require, shall be capable of having a Vote at any General Court of the said Corporation:
AND OUR WILL AND PLEASURE IS , and we do by these presents, for us, our Heirs and Successors, give full power and authority to the Governor, Deputy-Governor, or ay two or more of the Directors of the said Corporation, for the time being, to give and administer the said Oath and Declaration respectively, to the said Members; and do hereby order and direct them to administer the same accordingly.
PROVIDED FURTHER, and our Will and Pleasure is, and we do hereby, for us, our Heirs and Successors, ordain and appoint, that no person shall at any time, be capable of being chosen a Governor of the said Corporation, unless he shall be at the time of such Election, be our natural born subject, or naturalised; and shall also then have in his own name, in his own right, and for his own use, Four Thousand Pounds sterling or more, in the Capital Stock of the said Corporation; and that no person at any time be capable of being chosen Deputy-Governor of the said Corporation, unless he shall be at the time of such Election, be our natural born subject, or naturalised; and shall also then have in his own name, in his own right, and for his own use, Three Thousand Pounds sterling or more, in the Capital Stock of the said Corporation; and that no person at any time be capable of being chosen a Director of the said Corporation, who shall not, at the time of such choice, be our natural born subject, or naturalised; and shall also then have in his own name, in his own right, and for his own use, Two Thousand Pounds sterling or more, in the said Capital Stock; and that no Governor, Deputy-Governor, or Directors, shall continue in his, or their respective Offices, longer than the continuance of such their respective Interests and Stock in their own names and rights, and to their uses respectively; but upon parting with, or reducing his, or their respective Share or Interest in the capital Stock, to any lesser sum or status than as aforesaid, the said respective Offices or Places of such Governor, Deputy-Governor or Director, so parting with, reducing, or diminishing their said Shares or Interests as aforesaid, shall cease, determine, and become vacant, and others be chosen in their room, by a General Court of the said Corporation.
PROVIDED ALSO, and our Will and Pleasure is, and we do by these Presents, for us, our Heirs and Successors, will, ordain and appoint, that the said David Latouche, the younger, hereby nominated to be the first Governor, and every person hereafter to be chosen to the said Office, or Trust of the Governor of the said Corporation, shall not be capable of executing or acting in the said Office, or Trust of Governor at any time, until he shall have made and subscribed the Declaration, pursuant to an Act of Parliament made in the Kingdom of Ireland, entitled “An Act to prevent the further growth of Popery”; and shall also have taken the Oaths of Allegiance, Supremacy, and Abjuration, and shall not be capable of executing of, or acting in the said Office, or Trust of Governor, at any time or times hereafter, until he shall have taken the Oath following, to wit, “I, A.B. do swear that the sum of Four Thousand Pounds sterling, of the Capital Stock of the Body Politic, called by the Name of The Governor and Company of the Bank of Ireland, whereof I am appointed or elected to be Governor, doth at this time belong to me in my own right, and not in trust for any other person or persons;” and likewise another Oath in the form, or to the effect following, that is to say, “I, A. B. being nominated or elected, to be Governor of the Company of the Bank of Ireland, do promise and swear, that I will, to the utmost of my power, by all lawful ways and means, endeavour to support and maintain the Body Politic of the Governor and Company of the Bank of Ireland, and the Liberties and Privileges thereof; and that in the execution of the Office of Governor, I will faithfully and honestly demean myself according to the best of my skill and understanding, – So help me God.” Which Oaths and Declaration of the first and present Governor above named, shall, and may be administered, and receive by the Chancellor of our said Kingdom of Ireland, or the Keeper or Commissioners of our said Great Seal of Ireland, or by the Chancellor or Chief baron of our Court of Exchequer in Ireland, or any of them for the time being; and to and from any future Governor, shall, and may be administered, and received by the Chancellor of our said Kingdom of Ireland, or by the Keeper or Commissioners of the Great Seal of Ireland, or by the Chancellor or Chief Baron of the Court of Exchequer in Ireland, for the time being, or by the Governor or the Deputy-Governor of the said Corporation for the last preceding year; or (in case a Deputy-Governor shall be sworn into his Office) then by such Deputy-Governor.
AND OUR WILL AND PLEASURE IS, and we do hereby for us, our Heirs and Successors, direct, authorise and appoint, the Chancellor of Ireland, and the Keeper or Commissioners of the Great Seal of Ireland, Chancellor or Chief Baron of the Court of Exchequer in Ireland, or any of them, for the time being, or such preceding Governor, or preceding Deputy-Governor, or such Deputy-Governor so qualified as aforesaid, to administer and receive the said Oaths and Declaration, to and from every or any such person appointed or elected to be Governor of the said Corporation as aforesaid.
PROVIDED ALSO, and our Will and Pleasure is, and we hereby do for us, our Heirs and Successors, ordain and appoint, that the said Theophilus Thompson, hereby nominated, constituted and appointed, to be the first Deputy-Governor; or any person hereafter to be chosen to the Office or Trust of Deputy-Governor of the said Corporation, shall not be capable of executing or acting in the said Office or Trust of Deputy-Governor, until he shall have taken the like Oaths, and made the like Declarations, (mutatis mutandis) as are before prescribed to be taken and made by the Governor; which Oath and Declaration, to and from the first Deputy-Governor, named above, shall, and may be administered, and received, by the Chancellor of our said Kingdom of Ireland, or Commissioner of the Great Seal of Ireland, or by the first Governor of the said Corporation, after he shall himself be sworn as aforesaid; and to and from any future Deputy-Governor, shall and may be administered, and received by the Chancellor of our said Kingdom of Ireland, or by the Keeper or Commissioners of the Great Seal of Ireland, or by the Chancellor or Chief Baron of the Court of Exchequer in Ireland, for the time being, or by the Governor or Deputy-Governor of the said Corporation, for the preceding year; and, they are hereby respectively authorised and directed, to administer and receive the said Oaths and Declarations respectively, to and from any Deputy-Governor accordingly.
PROVIDED ALSO, and our Will and Pleasure is, and we hereby do for us, our Heirs and Successors, ordain and appoint, that none of the said Alexander Jaffrey, Sir Nicholas Lawless, Baronet, Amos Strettell, Jeremiah Vickers, John Latouche, Travers Hartley, Abraham Wilkinson, George Godfrey Hoffman, William Colvill, Peter Latouche, Samuel Dick, Jeremiah D’Olier, Alexander Armstrong, George Palmer, and John Allen, hereby nominated, constituted and appointed to be the first Directors of the said Corporation, or any person, or persons hereafter to be chosen to the office or trust of a Director of the said Corporation; shall be capable to execute or act in the said Office of a Director at any time or times hereafter, until he or they shall respectively, have made and subscribed the Declaration pursuant to the said Act, intitled, An Act to prevent the further growth of Popery; and shall have also taken the Oaths of Allegiance and Supremacy and Abjuration; or shall be capable to execute or act in the said Office or Trust of a Director, at any time or times hereafter, until he or they respectively shall have taken the Oath following, to wit, “I, A.B. do swear, that the sum of Two Thousand Pounds sterling of the Capital Stock of the Body Politic, called by the Name of The Governor and Company of the Bank of Ireland, whereof I am appointed or elected to be a Director, doth at this time belong to me in my own right, and not in trust for any other Person or Persons whatsoever;” And likewise another Oath, in the form, or to the effect following, to wit, “I,A.B. do swear, that in the Office of a Director of the Corporation or Company of the Bank of Ireland, I will be indifferent and equal to all manner of Persons, and I will give my best advice and assistance for the support and good governance of the said Corporation; ad in the execution of the said Office of Director, I will faithfully and honestly demean myself, according to the best of my skill and understanding.-So help me God.” Which Oaths and Declaration to and from the Directors herein nominated, and every of them respectively, shall and may be administered and received by the said Chancellor of Ireland, or the said Keeper or Commissioners of our Great Seal of Ireland, or by the Chancellor or Chief Baron of our Court of Exchequer of Ireland, or by the first Governor or Deputy-Governor hereinbefore named, so as such first Governor or Deputy-Governor (in case they or either of them do administer the said Oaths, and receive the said Declarations,) be first sworn, as is before mentioned; and the said Oaths and Declaration, to and from any future Director or Directors, shall and may be administered by the Chancellor of Ireland, or Keeper or Commissioners of the Great Seal of Ireland, or by the Chancellor, or Chief Baron of our Court of Exchequer in Ireland, for the time being, or any of them, or by a sworn Governor or Deputy-Governor of the said Corporation, for the time being, or by the Governor or Deputy-Governor, for the preceding year; and they are hereby authorised and required to administer the said Oaths, and receive the said Declaration, to and from all and every such Director or Directors, from time to time accordingly.
PROVIDED ALSO, and our Will and Pleasure is, and we hereby do for us, our Heirs and Successors, ordain and appoint, that all and every other Members of the said Corporation, having each Five Hundred Pounds sterling, or more, Interest or Share in the Capital Stock of the said Corporation, before he or they severally shall be capable to give any vote in any General Court to be held for the said Corporation, shall make and subscribe the Declaration pursuant to the Act, intitled, “An Act to prevent the further growth of Popery;” and shall also take the Oaths of Allegiance and Supremacy and Abjuration, before the Governor or Deputy-Governor of the said Corporation for the time being, who are hereby respectively authorised to administer and receive the same respectively, and also the Oath in the words or to the effect following, that is to say, “I, A.B. do swear, that I will be faithful to the Governor and Company of the Bank of Ireland, whereof I am a member, and in all General Courts, when and so often as I shall be present, will, according to the best of my skill and understanding, give my advice, counsel, and assistance, for the support and good government of the said Corporation.-So help me God.”
PROVIDED NEVERTHELESS, that any person, or persons, commonly called or known to be Quakers, having each Five Hundred Pounds sterling, or more, Interest or Share in the Capital Stock of the said Corporation, before they shall be capable of voting in any such General Court as aforesaid, shall and may, instead of the Oaths and Declaration hereby prescribed to be made and taken by the respective Members, having each Five Hundred Pounds sterling or more, as aforesaid, before the said Governor or Deputy-Governor, solemnly promise and declare in the words, or to the effect, (mututis mutantis,) and shall severally subscribe the same, together with a solemn Declaration that they will be faithful, and Allegiance bear to us, our Heirs and Successors, and that no foreign Prince, Prelate, State or Potentate, hath or ought to have any power, jurisdiction, superiority, authority, ecclesiastical or spiritual, within our Dominions.
PROVIDED ALSO NEVERTHELESS, that any person or persons professing the Popish Religion, shall, instead of the said Declaration, and Oaths of Allegiance and Supremacy and Abjuration, be at liberty, in order to intitle them to vote as aforesaid, to take the Oath appointed to be taken, instead of the said Oaths, by an Act of Parliament passed in this Kingdom, in the thirteenth and fourteenth years of our Reign, intitled, “An Act to enable His Majesty’s subjects, or whatever persuasion, to testify their Allegiance to him;” which said Oaths, Declaration, and Declarations, are to be administered by, and made before the several persons authorised to administer the several Oaths, in the stead whereof, the same are respectively substituted as aforesaid.
AND FURTHERMORE, OUR WILL AND PLEASURE IS, and we do by these presents, for us, our Heirs and Successors, ordain and appoint, that the said Court of Directors shall have power and authority to administer an Oath to all inferior Agents or Servants, or Affirmation to any of them being Quakers, that shall be employed in the service of the said Corporation, for the faithful and due execution of their several Places, and Trusts in them reposed, in the words, or to the effect following, that is to say, “I, A.B. being elacted in the office or place of Treasurer, to the Governor and Company of the Bank of Ireland, do swear, or solemnly declare, [as the case may be] that I will be true and faithful to the said Governor and Company; and will faithfully and truly execute and discharge the said office or place of Treasurer, to the utmost of my skill and power;” and the like Oath, or Declaration, to the other Agents or Servants, (mututis mutantis.) AND in case any person hereby nominated, or hereafter to be elected Governor, Deputy Governor or Director, as aforesaid, shall, for the space of ten days after such nomination or election, neglect, or refuse to take, or make the respective Oaths and Declarations, hereby appointed to be taken and received, as aforesaid; or shall refuse or neglect to take upon him, his, or their Offices, that then, and in every such case, the Office and Place of every such person so neglecting or refusing, shall become vacant, and others be chosen in their places, by a General Court of the said Corporation.
AND FURTHER, our Will and Pleasure is, and we do hereby appoint, that no Dividend shall at any time be made by the said Governor and Company, save only out of the Interest, Profit, or Produce, arising by or out of the said Capital Stock or Fund; or by such dealing, buying, or selling, as is allowed by the said Act of Parliament, made in the twenty-first and twenty-second years of our Reign, until redemption by Parliament of the said yearly Fund of Twenty Thousand Pounds sterling; and that no Dividend whatsoever shall at any time be made, without the consent of the Members of the said Corporation, in a General Court, qualified to vote as aforesaid.
AND OUR WILL AND PLEASURE IS, and we do hereby for us, our Heirs and Successors, appoint, that the said Governor, or, in his absence, the Deputy-Governor for the time being, shall, from time to time, and they are hereby required, upon such notice to be given, as aforesaid, to summon and appoint four General Courts at least, in every year; whereof one to be in the month of September, another in the month of December, another in the month of April, and another in the month of July.
AND OUR FURTHER WILL AND PLEASURE IS, and we do appoint, that if, at any time or times, there shall be a failure of holding a General Court in any of the said Months, by the default of the Governor and Deputy-Governor, or either of them, that then, and so often, and in every case, any three or more of the Directors of the said Corporation shall and may summon and call a General Court, which shall meet and be holden in the Month next coming, after the Month in which the same should have been holden, upon the summons of the Governor or Deputy-Governor, as aforesaid.
AND MOREOVER, our Will and Pleasure is, and we do by these presents direct and appoint, that the said Governor, or in his absence, the Deputy-Governor for the time being, shall from time to time, upon demand, to be made by any nine or more of the said Members, having each of them Five Hundred Pounds sterling, or more, Interest, or Share, in the said Capital Stock, within ten days after such demand, summon and call such General Courts, to be held of the said Members of the Corporation, qualified for Electors, as aforesaid; and in default of the Governor, or Deputy-Governor, to summon and call such Court, it shall and may be lawful to and for the said nine or more Members, having each Five Hundred Pounds sterling Stock as aforesaid, upon ten days notice, in writing, to be fixed upon the Royal Exchange in Dublin, to summon and hold a General Court; and there to do and despatch any business relating to the Government, or Affairs of the said Corporation, and to hear and debate any complaint that shall be made against any Governor, Deputy-Governor, or Directors, for the mismanagement of his, or their respective Offices.
AND if such Governor, Deputy-Governor, or Directors, shall not clear him, or themselves, of such complaint, to the satisfaction of the major part of the Members of the said Corporation, in the said General Court assembled; that then, within ten days, another General Court shall be called, and held as aforesaid, of the Members of the Corporation, qualified to vote, as aforesaid, finally to determine the same by the majority of their Votes as aforesaid, who may remove or displace all, or any of the said Governor, Deputy-Governor, and Directors, for such misdemeanors, or abuse of their offices, and elect and choose others in his, or their room, in the same manner as the said Elections, between the twenty-fifth day of March, and the twenty-fifth day of April, are hereinbefore directed to be made.
AND in every case where any Governor, Deputy-Governor, or Director, shall happen to die, or be removed, or his Office shall otherwise become void before the expiration of the time for which he shall have been elected, the major part of the Members of the said Corporation to be assembled in a General Court, and being qualified, as aforesaid, shall, and may elect and choose any other Member or Members of the said Corporation, qualified as aforesaid, into the office of such Governor, Deputy-Governor, or Director, that shall so die, or be removed, or whose office shall become void; which person so to be chosen, shall continue in the said office until the next usual time hereby appointed for Election, and until others have been duly chosen and sworn.
AND for the better ordering and managing the Affairs of the said Corporation, we do by these presents, for us, our Heirs and Successors, grant unto the said Governor and Company of the Bank of Ireland, and their Successors,
AND OUR WILL AND PLEASURE IS, and we do by these presents authorise and appoint, that the said Governor, Deputy-Governor, and Directors, for the time being, or any eight, or more of them, of which the Governor, or Deputy-Governor, to be always one, except as hereinafter mentioned, shall, and may, from time to time, and at all convenient times, assemble, and meet together at any convenient place or places, for the direction or management of the Affairs and Business of the said Corporation, and then and there, hold Courts of Directors, for the purposes aforesaid, and summon General Courts to meet as often as they shall see cause; and that the said Governor, Deputy-Governor, and Directors, or the major part of them, so assembled, whereof the Governor, or Deputy-Governor, is to be always one, except as hereinafter mentioned, shall, and may act, according to such Bye-Laws, Constitutions, Orders, Rules, or Directors, as shall, from time to time, be made and given unto them, by the General Court of the said Corporation; and in all cases where such Bye-Laws, Constitutions, Orders, Rules, or Directions, by, or from the General Court shall be wanting, the Governor, Deputy-Governor, and Directors, or the major part of them, so assembled (whereof the Governor, or Deputy-Governor, is to be always one, save as hereinafter is mentioned) shall, and may direct and manage all the Affairs and Business of the said Corporation, in the borrowing or receiving of Monies, and giving Securities for the same, under the common Seal of the Corporation; and in their dealings in Bills of Exchange; or the buying and selling of Bullion, Gold, or Silver; or in selling any Goods, Wares, or Merchandizes whatsoever, which shall be really, and bona fide, be left, or deposited, with the said Corporation, for Money lent or advanced thereon, and which shall no be redeemed at the time agreed, or within three Months after; or in selling such Goods as shall, or may be the produce of Lands purchased by the said Corporation; or in the lending or advancing any of the Monies of the said Corporation, and taking Pawns, or other Securities for the same; and to choose and appoint the Agents or Servants, which shall, from time to time, be necessary to be employed in the Affairs and Business of the said Corporation; and to alow and pay reasonable salaries and allowances to the said Agents and Servants respectively, and them or any of them, from time to time, to remove or displace as they shall see cause, and generally to act and do in all matters and things whatsoever, which by the said recited Act or Parliament, shall and may be done, in all matters and things whatsoever, which they shall judge necessary for the well ordering and managing of the said Corporation, and the affairs thereof; and to do, enjoy, perform, and execute, all the powers, authorities, privileges, acts and things, in relation to the said Corporation, as fully to all intents and purposes, as if the same were done by the Governor and Company of the Bank of Ireland, or by a General Court of the same; subject nevertheless, to such restraints, limitations, rules or appointments as are contained in the said recited Act of Parliament, for or concerning the Trade, Business, or Affairs of the said Corporation, or otherwise relating thereunto.
PROVIDED NEVERTHELESS, and our Will and Pleasure is, and we do further direct, that when any General Court, or Court of Directors of the said Corporation, shall be assembled according to due Summons or Appointments, in case the said Governor, or Deputy-Governor shall be absent from such meeting, one Hour after the usual time of proceeding to Business, and then and in every such case it shall be lawful for the said General Court, and Court of Directors respectively, to choose a Chairman for that time only, and to proceed to business, and to transact the affairs of the said Corporation, and that the transactions of the said General Court, and Court of Directors respectively, shall be as valid and effectual, to all intents and purposes, as if the said Governor or Deputy-Governor had been present; and so as that in every such Court of Directors, there be nine Directors present.
AND OUR WILL IS, that every Chairman so to be chosen shall have the like privileges and authority in all respects, as are by these presents given to the Governor or Deputy-Governor when present.
OUR WILL AND PLEASURE IS, and we do hereby, for us, our Heirs and Successors, give full power to all, and every the said Members, qualified for Electors aforesaid, in their General Courts or Assemblies aforesaid, by majority of their Votes, as aforesaid, to make and constitute such Bye-Laws and Ordinances, for, and relating to the affairs and government of the said Corporation, and the imposing mulcts and amerciaments upon offenders against the same, as to them shall seem meet; so as that such Bye-Laws be not repugnant to the Laws of our Kingdom of Ireland, and be confirmed and approved according to the statutes in such case made and provided. ALL which mulcts and amerciaments, shall and may be received and recovered to the only use and behoof of the said Governor and Company of the Bank of Ireland, and their Successors, without any account or other matter or thing to be thereof rendered to us, our Heirs and Successors.
AND also to allow such salaries or allowances to the said Governor, Deputy-Governor, and Directors, as to them shall seem meet.
AND OUR WILL AND PLEASURE IS, and we do hereby, for us, our Heirs and Successors, ordain and appoint, that the first General Court of the said Corporation, shall be held within the space if Twenty-eight days, next after the passing of our said Letters Patent.
PROVIDED ALWAYS, and our Will and Pleasure is, that for the ascertaining and limiting how, and in what manner, and under what rules the said Capital Stock, and yearly Fund of Twenty-four Thousand Pounds sterling, shall and may be assignable and assigned, transferrable and transferred, by such person and persons, as shall from time to time have any interest or share in the same: we do hereby direct and appoint, that there shall be constantly kept in the Public Office of the said Governor and Company of the Bank of Ireland, a Register, or Book or Books, wherein all Assignments and Transfers shall be entered.
AND OUR WILL AND PLEASURE IS, and we do hereby for us, our Heirs and Successors, pursuant and according to the Power given unto us by the said Act of Parliament, order, limit, direct, and appoint, that the method and manner of making all Assignments and Transfers of the said Capital Stock, and yearly Fund, or any part thereof, shall be by an entry in the said Book or Books, signed by the Party so assigning or transferring, in the words and to the effect following, viz. MEMORANDUM, that “I A.B. this Day of in the Year of our Lord do assign and transfer of my Interest or Share in the Capital Stock or Fund of the Governor and Company of the Bank of Ireland, and all benefit arising thereby, unto his or her Executors, Administrators and Assigns. Witness my Hand . Or in the case the person assigning be not personally present, then by an entry in the said Book, or Books, signed by some Person thereunto lawfully authorised, by Letter of Attorney, or Writing under Hand and Seal, attested by two or more Witnesses, in the words or to the effect following, viz,. MEMORANDUM, that “I A.B. this Day of in the Year of our Lord by virtue of a Letter of Attorney, or Authority under the Hand and Seal of dated the Day of in the Year of our Lord do in the Name and on the behalf of the said assign and transfer of the Interest or Share of the said in the Capital Stock and Fund of the Governor and Company of the Bank of Ireland, and all Benefit arising thereby, unto his, her or their Executors, Administrators and Assigns. Witness my Hand .” Under which Transfer the Person or Persons, Bodies Politic or Corporate, to whom such Assignment or Transfer shall be made, or some other Person by him, her, or them lawfully authorised thereunto, shall sign his, her, or their Name or Names, attesting that he, she, or they do freely and voluntarily accept of the same, and that the entry signed as aforesaid, and no other way or method, shall be the manner and method used, in the passing, assigning or transferring, the Interest or Share in the said Capital Stock or Fund, and such Transfer or Assignment, shall be good and available, and convey the whole Estate and Interest of the Party transferring, or ordering the same to be transferred.
PROVIDED ALWAYS, that any person having any Share or Interest in the said Capital Stock, or Fund, may dispose of, or devise the same, by his, or her, last Will and Testament; but however, that such Divisee sall not transfer the same, or be intitled to receive any dividend, until an entry, or memorandum of so much of the said Will, as relates to the said Stock or Fund, be made in the book or books, or some other book or books to be kept by the said Governor and Company, for that purpose.
AND OUR WILL AND PLEASURE FURTHER IS, and we do appoint, that the said Governor, or in his absence, the Deputy-Governor or Chairman, shall not have any vote in a General Court or Court of Directors, save where they shall happen to be an equal number of Votes.
PROVIDED NEVERTHELESS, that all matters and things, which the said Governor, Deputy-Governor, or Directors, shall, in manner, as aforesaid, order, and direct, to be done by Sub-Committees, or other persons appointed under them, shall and may (by virtue of such orders) be done by the said Sub-Committees, or other persons so appointed.
AND OUR WILL IS, and we do for us, our Heirs and Successors, grant and declare, that our Letters Patent, or the Enrolment thereof, shall be in and by all things, valid and effectual in the Law, according to the true intent and meaning of the same; and shall be taken, construed, and adjudged, in the most favourable and beneficial sense, for the best advantage of the said Corporation, as well in our Courts of Record as elsewhere, notwithstanding any non-recital, mis-recital, defect, uncertainty, or imperfection, in our said Letters Patent.
AND OUR WILL AND PLEASURE IS, and we do hereby direct, that our said Letters Patent to the Governor and Company aforesaid, under the Great Seal of Ireland, shall be in due manner made and sealed, without Fine or Fee, great or small to us, in our Hanaper, or elsewhere, to our use therefore, any ways to be rendered, paid, or made.
AND OUR WILL AND PLEASURE FURTHER IS, and we do hereby for us, our Heirs and Successors, covenant, grant, and agree, to and with the Governor and Company and their Successors, that we our Heirs and Successors, shall, and will from time to time, and at all times hereafter, upon the humble suit and request of the said Governor and Company, and their Successors, give and grant unto them, all such further and other powers, privileges, authorities, matters and things, which we, or they can, or may lawfully grant, and as shall be reasonably advised and devised by the Council learned in the Law of the said Governor and Company for the time being; and shall be approved by our Attorney, or Solicitor General, of our said Kingdom of Ireland, in our behalf.
PROVIDED ALWAYS, that these, our Letters Patent, be enrolled in the Rolls of our High Court of Chancery, in our said Kingdom of Ireland, within the space of six months next ensuing the date of these presents.
WITNESS, our aforesaid Lieutenant-General and General-Governor of our said Kingdom of Ireland, at Dublin, the tenth day of May, in the twenty-third year of our Reign.
Enrolled in the Office of the Rolls of His Majesty’s High Court of Chancery of Ireland, the fifteenth day of May, in the twenty-third year of the Reign of King George the Third.
An APPENDIX;- containing a List of the Governers, Directors, and Subscribers to the Bank of Ireland; with their several Subscription Sums affixed, in the Order they subscribed.
Thus marked † are the Commissioners appointed for receiving Subscriptions.
Governor—————-David Latouche, junior, Esq.
Deputy-Governor—Theophilus Thompson, Esq.
Alexander Jaffray, Esq. William Colvill, Esq.
Travers Hartley, Esq. Peter Latouche, Esq.
Sir Nicholas Lawless, Bart. Samuel Dick, Esq.
Amos Strettel, Esq. Jeremiah D’Olier, Esq.
Jeremiah Vickers, Esq. Alexander Armstrong, Esq.
John Latouche, Esq. George Palmer, Esq.
Abraham Wilkinson, Esq. John Allen, Esq.
George Godfrey Hoffman, Esq.
- †David Latouche, Esq. 10,000
- †David Latouche, jun. Esq. 10,000
- †John Latouche, Esq. 10,000
- †Peter Latouche, Esq. 10,000
- Right Hon. William Brownlow 9,000
- †Right Hon. Joshua Cooper 10,000
- †Reverend Dean Ryder 10,000
- Reverend Henry Maxwell 1,600
- Frederick Trench, of Heywood, Esq. 2,000
- Mr. Gordon Mc Neil 1,200
- Lady Dowager Longford 800
- Honourable Miss Packenham 600
- Reverend Doctor Henry Dabzac 2,000
- William Keon, Esq. 400
- Mr. John Marsden 1,000
- Thomas St. George, Esq. 5,000
- †Sir John Browne, Bart. 10,000
- Right Honourable Lord Farnham 2,000
- †Samuel Dick, Esq. 6,000
- John Gasper Battier, Esq. 4,000
- Donald Grant, Esq. 1,200
- Sir Francis Hutchinson, Bart. 1,000
- Mrs. Ann Hutchinson 1,000
- Archdeacon Edward Synge 1,000
- Alexander Mangin, Esq. 2,000
- Archdeacon James Hutchinson 1,000
- Henry Brownrigg, Esq. 2,000
- Mr. William Williams 1,000
- Ditto, for an Annuity Company 2,000
- Robert Ashworth, Esq. 5,000
- John Tydd, Esq. 1,600
- †Theophilus Thompson, Esq. 5,000
- †Travers Hartley, Esq. 2,000
- Mr. William Hunt 2,000
- Mr. Joseph Hone, jun. 2,000
- Charles Ward, Esq. 2,000
- Warden Flood, Esq. 2,000
- †William Colvill, Esq. 5,200
- †William Smyth, Esq. 5,000
- Colonel Martin Tucker 2,000
- Lady Dowager Courtown 1,600
- John Folie, Esq. 2,000
- †George Godfrey Hoffman, Esq. 3,100
- †John White, Esq. 3,100
- William Wallace, Esq. 4,400
- John Allen, Esq. 4,000
- Mr. Leland Crosthwaite 1,000
- Mr. John Rivers 3,200
- Mr. Archibald Bell 800
- Robert Watson Wade, Esq. 4,000
- †Right Hon. William Conyngham 10,000
- Major John Corneille 7,000
- Mr. Nathaniel Card 2,000
- Mr. William Mc.Kay 1,000
- John Cumming, Esq. 3,200
- Jeremiah D’Olier, Esq. 3,800
- George Palmer, Esq. 2,000
- Richard Hare, Esq. 5,000
- †Alexander Jaffray, Esq. 4,000
- Sir William Montgomery, Bart. 1,200
- †Sir Nicholas Lawless, Bart. 10,000
- †Valentine Brown, Esq. 10,000
- Right Hon. Earl of Milltown 1,000
- Thomas Wolfe, Esq. 1,000
- John Wolfe, Esq. 1,000
- †Theobald Wolfe, Esq. 10,000
- †Charles Walker, Esq. 10,000
- Alexander Armstrong, Esq. 2,000
- †Joseph Hines, Esq. 10,000
- †Cornelius O’Callaghan, Esq. 6,800
- †Amos Strettel, Esq. 3,000
- †Anthony Dermott, Esq. 8,000
- His Grace the Archbishop of Cashel 4,000
- Sir Annesley Stewart, Bart. 2,400
- Mr. James Williams 4,650
- Mr. Thomas White 1,000
- Frederick Trench, of Woodlawn, Esq. 1,000
- Major Edward Cane 1,200
- Charles Hamilton, Esq. 2,000
- Michael Sweetman, Esq. 3,000
- Francis Gorman, Esq. 1,200
- David Dick, Esq. 3,000
- Joseph Phelps, Esq. 1,000
- Mr. Jacob Handcock 600
- Colonel David Dundas 1,200
- John Commerford, Esq. 2,000
- Dennis Thomas O’Brien, Esq. 3,200
- John Fitzsimmons. Esq. 2,000
- †Robert Shaw, Esq. 5,000
- James Lane, Esq. 1,000
- †Abraham Wilkinson, Esq. 5,200
- Mrs. Mary Morin 2,000
- James Dennis, Esq. 1,000
- †Jeremiah Vickers, Esq. 10,000
- Wilkinson and J. Vickers 600
- Bartholomew Callan, Esq. 5,000
- †Rt. Hon.Hen. Theoph. Clements 10,000
- Major-General Eyre Massey 2,000
- Charles Farran, Esq. 1,000
- Mr. James Potts 2,000
- Mr. John Westlake 2,000
- Mr. Arthur Stanley 2,000
- Mr. Thomas Walker 5,000
- John Digby, Esq. 3,000
- Mr. Francis Cahill 2,000
- Mr. William Netterville 500
- Mr. Stephen Devereux 800
- Alderman John Darragh 2,000
- Samuel Newport, Esq. 2,500
- Mr. Henry Betagh 1,000
- Doctor Henry Quin 5,000
- Lieutenant General Pomeroy 10,000
- Alexander Crookshank, Esq. 1,000
- Charles Strong, Esq. 1,000
- Widow Plunkett and Sons 3,200
- Stephen Wybrants, Esq. 3,000
- Hugh Howard, Esq. 4,000
- Valentine Connor, Esq. 2,000
- Mrs. Letitia Page 200
- Mr. Bejamin Smith 2,000
- John Wetherall, Esq. 2,000
- Charles O’Neill, Esq. 1,200
- John Wallis, Esq. 1,000
- Mr. Edward Atkinson 1,000
- Mr, Ephraim Hutchinson 1,200
- Reverend Doctor Thomas Pack 1,000
- Mrs. Meliora Adlercron 600
- Mrs. Frances Lloyd 200
- Mrs. Eliza Lombard 200
- Christopher Sherlock, Esq. 1,200
- John Betagh, Esq. 1,200
- Mr. Charles Ryan 1,200
- John Thomas Foster, Esq. 2,400
- Robert Gordon, Esq. 2,400
- Captain Joseph Mc. Veagh 2,000
- Sydenham Singleton, Esq. 1,000
- Major John Glover 2,000
- James Forde, Esq. 600
- Mrs. Rebecca Coghlan 200
- Richard Le Hunte, Esq. 1,000
- James Lawlor, Esq. 10,000
- Miss Letitia Burke 100
- Richard Morgan, Esq. 4,000
- Mr. Luke Gaven 600
- Mr. John Johnston 2,000
- Mr. Ignatius Purcell 800
- Colonel Thomas Marley 2,200
- Hugh Henry, Esq. 5,000
- Sir Fielding Ould 600
- Mrs. Ann Thomas 300
- John Lees, Esq. 5,000
- Reverend Dr. Christopher Harvey 500
- Messrs. Pierceys and Waggots 4,000
- Mr. John Findlay 1,000
- Mr. Benjamin Clarke 1,000
- Dr. Henry Rock 400
- Marine Society 4,000
- Mrs. Ann Dawson 400
- William Ogilvie, Esq. 800
- Reverend Dr.William Browne 1,200
- Captain Thomas Tickell 1,000
- Christopher Deey, Esq. 3,000
- Thomas Acton, Esq. 2,000
- Robert Howard, Esq. 400
- Mr. John Darby 600
- Right Honourable Luke Gardiner 5,000
- William Sweetman, Esq. 3,200
- Nicholas Gordon, Esq. 1,000
- Mr. Joseph Moroney 600
- Doctor Robert Hemmett 2,000
- William Norton Barry, Esq. 2,000
- Mrs. Katherine Hamilton 400
- Sir Matthew Blackiston, Bart. 1,200
- Mrs. Katherine Ould 1,000
- Dudley Hussey, Esq. 500
- Mr. Robert Lynch 400
- Mr. Francis French 400
- Mr. David Mc Cance 2,000
- Theophilus Bolton, Esq. 1,600
- John Moore, Esq. 1,200
- Mr. Christopher French 400
- Reverend Doctor Bernard Ward 2,400
- Miss Priscilla and Mabel Forbes 600
- Mr. Isaac Sammons 1,000
- Reverend Doctor Samuel Pulleine 2,200
- Henry Ellis, Esq. 7,000
- William Molesworth, Esq. 1,200
- Mr. William Keating 1,000
- Reverend Joseph Stopford 800
- Mrs. Alicia Postlethwait 600
- William Digges Latouche, Esq. 2,000
- Mr. James Standish 400
- Mrs. Ann Dixon 1,200
- Right Hon. Lord Lifford, Lord High 6,000
- Chancellor
- Mr. James Ogilby 1,000
- Right Honourable Lord Longford 1,000
- Mr. William Harness 1,000
- Joseph Goff, Esq. 2,000
- Major William Hall 5,000
- Thomas Keightly, Esq. 2,000
- James Hamilton, Esq. 2,000
- John Thewles, Esq. 1,200
- Reverend William Day 500
- Arthur Wolfe, Esq. 4,000
- Edward Dornan, Esq. 600
- Captain John Shaw 1,000
- Michael Cosgrave, Esq. 2,000
- Mr, Robert French 500
- Mr. James Shee 200
- Miss Rosa Whitwell 1,200
- Miss Martha Stronge 200
- John Hall, Esq. 500
- Mr. Caleb Jenkin 2,000
- Mr. Luke White 2,000
- Columb Morgan, Esq. 2,000
- George Marquay, Esq. 2,000
- Charles Quin, Esq. 500
- Henry George Quin, Esq. 500
- Thomas Fitzgerald, Esq. 2,000
- Mrs. Theodosia Blachford 400
- Mr. Thady Grehan 3,750
- Andrew Caldwell, Esq. 1,000
- Mr. Rowland Norris 1,000
- Miss Esther M. Vauteau 500
- Peter Digges Latouche, Esq. 1,000
- Mr. William Skeys 3,000
- †John Dawson Coates, Esq. 5,000
RULES, ORDERS and BYE-LAWS, for the good Government of the Corporation of the Governor and Company of the Bank of Ireland.
Elections, the Time, Manner, and Scrutiny
WHEREAS many uncertainties and inconveniences may arise for want of a due and regular method of proceeding at General Courts of Election; for remedy thereof,
It is hereby ordained and appointed, that at every General Court for any Election, every Member qualified to vote, and being present, shall deliver in writing or print, a note or list, containing the name or names, of each person or persons (Members of the Corporation respectively qualified according to the tenor of the Charter) as he thinks fit to serve and execute the office or employment, for which such Election is to be had or made, and that every General Election for Governor and Deputy-Governor, or either of them, each Elector shall deliver in writing or print, only the name of one person qualified for the place of Governor, and only the name of one person qualified for the place of Deputy- Governor, and no more; and that at every General Election for Directors, which shall always be held on the second day succeeding said election of Governor and Deputy-Governor, each Elector shall likewise deliver in a list of the names of fifteen persons, which shall appear by the printed list hereafter ordered to be delivered out to be qualified for Directors, and no more or less. AND that in case any person shall deliver in writing or print, any more than one name for the place of Governor; one name for the place of Deputy- Governor; or a list of any more or less than fifteen names of persons qualified for Directors, the same shall be reputed and deemed as no vote, and the said list, and all the names therein, shall be totally rejected; and that the like mode be observed upon all elections in case of vacancies.
And that in case at any General Court of Election of Directors, any person shall in such list insert the names of any more than ten of those persons, who are chosen into, and did serve the office of Directors the then last preceding year, the same list shall in like manner be rejected.
And in any list for Directors, there shall be inserted the name either of the Governor or Deputy-Governor elected for the ensuing year, such list shall be rejected. And that in case any Director shall, upon any vacancy, be chosen into the office of Governor, or Deputy-Governor, the seat of such person as Director shall be absolutely vacated, and another person chosen in his place.
And in case it shall happen, that upon making the scrutiny for any election of Governor, Deputy-Governor, or Directors, any two or more persons qualified for the respective office or employment, for which he, or they shall be named shall have an equal number of votes, which shall or may entitle one or more of them to such office or employment, the election, in such case, shall be determined and settled by the General Court, in which such scrutiny shall be reported.
And that if, on taking the scrutiny for any election of Governor, Deputy-Governor, or Directors, it shall fall out that two or more persons qualified for the office, for which such election shall be made, shall have the same Christian and sir-names, and are not distinguished by their additions, or that wrong Christian name in any note or list is placed to a sir-name, when but one person of that sir-name is qualified for the respective office, or that any literal mistake be made in Christian or sir-names; in all and every the cases before-mentioned, such undistinguished, wrong, or mistaken name or names, shall be kept, and not thrown aside, or rejected, but the rest of the list shall be allowed: and the persons appointed to take the scrutiny at such election, or so many as shall be present, may determine the person or persons intended by such undistinguished, wrong, or mistaken name or names, provided they, or the major part of them, shall agree in ascertaining the person or persons so meant or intended; but in default thereof, the same shall be determined and settled by the General Court, in which such scrutiny shall be reported.
And that every such election shall commence at the hour of ten o’clock in the morning, and continue open until two of the clock in the afternoon, when the glass or ballotting box shall be sealed up, or the ballots immediately cast up be scrutineers, to be then appointed for that purpose; and that no note or list shall be received after said hour.
And that any Member of this Corporation shall hereafter use, or procure to be used, any indirect means to obtain any vote or votes for the election of himself, or any other, to be Governor, Deputy-Governor or Directors of this Corporation, and be therefore declared guilty at a General Court, to be called for that purpose, such person from thenceforth shall be incapable of being elected to, or holding any such office or place.
And that in all elections of Committees hereafter to be had or made by a General Court, the same orders, rules and methods (so near as the case will admit) shall be used, observed, and kept, and under such penalties and disabilities as hereinbefore prescribed, for or concerning the election of Governor, Deputy-Governor, and Directors.
And in case, at any Annual General Court of Election, all the fifteen Directors for the preceding year, or more than two-thirds of them, shall happen to have the majority of votes, for being Directors for the ensuing year, that then the remaining one-third or other less number of the said fifteen (over and above two-thirds of them) as shall happen to have the fewest votes, shall be removed, and other such five or other less number of the other Members of this Corporation, qualified as aforesaid, who have the most voices next to those so removed, shall be, and be deemed and reputed to be elected to succeed and serve the Directors for the succeeding year, in the stead and place of those so removed, and shall be admitted and sworn accordingly.
And that the first, second, third, fourth, seventh and eight paragraphs, or clauses of this Bye-Law, shall be inserted at the end of every printed list of all persons qualified to be elected Governor, Deputy-Governor, or Director; which list shall be given out on demand, at the Bank, at least three days before the annual elections of those officers, to the end the Members of this Corporation, qualified to vote, may be well-informed and directed in the giving in their votes.
Voting by the Ballot, or by List, and choosing Officers.
Item, It is resolved and ordained, that in all General Courts, upon any election or other question to be made or determined, concerning any one person, matter, or thing only, the ballot shall be allowed and used, in case the same be demanded by any nine or more Members, then qualified to elect and vote, and not otherwise.
And that in all General Courts, upon any election or question to be made or determined, concerning more than one person, matter, or thing, such election or question shall not be determined, by the ballot, but by notes or lists in writing, of the Members qualified to vote, put into a glass or box, in the same manner as the Court of Directors are to be chosen; in case the said determination by notes or lists shall be demanded by any nine or more persons qualified to vote.
And further, That from and after the five-and –tewntieth day of March 1784, and so yearly, and every year, for ever, all and every the officers, ministers, agents, or servants employed, or to be employed by this Corporation, or by the Governor, Deputy-Governor, and Directors, or any of them, in the service of this Corporation, shall be elected by the Court of Directors every year, by the ballot, within thirty days after the General Court, for the annual election of Governor, Deputy-Governor, and Directors.
Custody of the Common Seal, and how to be used.
Item, It is ordained, that the seal of the Corporation shall be carefully kept under three locks, the three keys whereof shall be severally kept by such three of the Governor, Deputy-Governor, and Directors, for the time being, as the Court of Directors, from time to time, shall empower to keep the same; and that the said seal shall not be affixed, or set to any paper or parchment, writing, or instrument whatsoever, but by order of the Court of Directors for the purpose first had and obtained, and also in the presence of three or more of the Governor, Deputy-Governor, and Directors for the time being.
Keeping the Cash.
Item, It is ordained, that the cash of this Corporation (excepting such sum and sums of money as shall by the Committee in waiting, subject to such regulations as the Court of Directors shall appoint, be thought necessary to be left in the hands of one or more of the Cashiers for running cash) shall be carefully kept under three or more locks, the keys whereof shall be kept by such three or more of the Governor, Deputy-Governor, and Directors, from time to time, shall empower to keep the same, each of the said persons keeping one of the said keys.
The Meeting and Business of Courts of Directors, and their Sub-Committees
Item. For the more easy and safe despatch of the business of this Corporation, to the honour and benefit thereof, it is resolved and ordained, that a Court of Directors shall be held once in every week at the least, and that such Court, shall and may, from time to time, (as occasion shall require) appoint Sub-committees, and give all needful directions to such Sub-committees, concerning what securities shall be taken for money to be lent, and of what nature or kind, and also in what proportions, and touching and concerning all and every other thing and things requisite in that behalf.
And it is hereby ordained, that no money shall be lent upon any other sort of security, or in any other proportion, or to any other value, or otherwise disposed of, than what or as shall be, from time to time, first directed by the said Court of Directors.
And that every Sub-committee shall weekly lay before said Court of Directors, so to be held as aforesaid, an account of what Monies are or shall be then owing, by this Corporation under their common seal, and what securities shall have been taken, or other business transacted or negotiated by them, touching this Corporation, during the then last preceding week.
Dealings of Governor, Deputy-Governor, and Directors, with the Corporation, not to be concealed.
Item. For the prevention of fraud and deceit in all and every the transactions of this Corporation, it is resolved and ordained, that in all cases whatsoever, where the Governor, Deputy-Governor, and Directors of the Corporation, or any of them, shall have any dealing or business with the Corporation, upon their own account, separately, or in conjunction with any others, for or in respect of any Tallies, Bills of Exchange, Pawns, Pledges, or other Contract or Bargain whatsoever, by, or from, to, or with this Corporation, that then and in every such case, such Governor, Deputy-Governor, and Director, (so having any such business with the Corporation in manner aforesaid) shall at the time of his, or their negotiating or transacting the same, declare and publish to the Sub-committee for the time being, fully, fairly and clearly, such his share and interest, whether sole or joint with others, in all and every such affair or business by him or them so negotiated or transacted as aforesaid, and all the particular circumstances thereof.
And if any such Governor, Deputy-Governor, or Director, shall at any time wittingly or willingly offend contrary to this Rule, Ordinance or Bye-Law, such person so offending, being first accused thereof in any General Court, and summoned to answer the same, and afterwards declared guilty thereof by another General Court, shall immediately become, and be deemed and reputed to be, incapable for ever, either of holding or enjoying, or being chosen again to the said offices of Governor, Deputy-Governor, or Directors, or any of them.
The Concerned in Debates to withdraw.
Item. It is resolved and ordained, that in all cases where any question or debate shall be at any time arise, or be made, touching or concerning any person or persons (Members of this Corporation) or concerning any matter or thing related to any such person or persons, or wherein he or they shall be concerned, such person or persons, touching or concerning whom such question or debate is, or shall be had or made, shall have or give no vote relating thereto, but shall withdraw and be absent during such debate concerning himself, or any matter or thing wherein he is concerned.
Borrowing on the Seal
Item. It is hereby ordained, that the Governor, Deputy-Governor, and Directors, or any of them, shall not at any time hereafter, without the consent and direction of a General Court first had, wittingly or willingly borrow, owe, or give security under the common seal, for any sum or sums of money, exceeding in the whole, at any one time Six Hundred Thousand Pounds, or procure the borrowing, owing, or giving security for such further sum or sums of money, by bill, bond, or other covenant of agreement, under the common seal of this Corporation, as aforesaid; and in the case the common seal shall be set or affixed to any bill, bond, or other agreement for money, contrary to this Ordinance, or Bye-law, that then each and every the Governor, Deputy-Governor, and Directors, or other members of this Corporation, who shall order, procure, consent, agree to, or wittingly approve of the same, and will be thereof lawfully convicted, shall for every offence severally forfeit to the Governor and Company of the Bank of Ireland, the sum of One Thousand Pounds sterling, and also all such further and other sum or sums of money as the said Governor and Company of the Bank of Ireland, shall be damnified, for, or by reason thereof.
Selling PAWNS
Item. It is resolved and ordained, that all jewels, plate, bullion, or other goods, chattels, or merchandizes whatsoever, which shall be pawned unto this Corporation, or left and deposited therewith, as pawns or pledges for money to be lent or advanced thereon, and not redeemed at the time agreed on, or within three calendar months afterwards, shall, whensoever they are sold, be sold at a public sale, upon three days notice thereof first given by writing, on the Royal Exchange, or upon such other public notice as the Court of Directors shall think fit.
And that no sale of any such goods, chattels, or mechandizes, not redeemed as aforesaid, shall be had or made in any other manner.
For Tranfers, and registering Contracts, what to be paid.
Item. It is ordained, that upon all transfers to be made of any share or interest in the capital stock or fund of this Corporation, the sum of five British Shillings, and no more, shall be paid by the party transferring to, and for the use of the Corporation, for, and towards the bearing and defraying the charges of books, accountants, law, duty, and other like expenses.
And that upon every promise, contract, bargain, covenant, and agreement to be made for the buying or selling of any share or interest in the capital stock or fund of this Corporation, or for transferring the property thereof in trust, or otherwise, which shall be brought to be registered in the book, or books of the Bank, the sum of two British Shillings, and no more shall be paid for such registering, (by the party desiring to register the same) to and for the use of this Corporation.
Against the Servants taking any Rewards.
Item. It is ordained, that no officer, servant, or other person whatsoever employed, or which shall hereafter be employed by this Corporation for or about any business of the same, shall presume directly or indirectly to receive or take any fee, gratuity, or reward of any sort, kind, or quality whatsoever, for the doing or despatching, or the not doing, or delaying any business or affair belonging to this Corporation, or for any other reason or colour, or upon any account relating to his or their respective employment or otherwise concerning this Corporation howsoever, from any person or persons whatsoever, other than only from this Corporation, or by order thereof, or of the Court of Directors.
And that if any person or persons employed or to be employed as aforesaid, shall offend contrary to this Ordinance or Bye-law, such person shall be for ever incapable of holding, or being chosen again into such his, their, or any other employment, in or under this Corporation.
General Court for Dividends, Half-yearly
Item. It is ordained, that twice in every year a General Court shall be called and held, for considering the general state and condition of this Corporation, and for the making of Dividends, out of all and singular the product and profit of the capital stock and fund of this Corporation, and the trade thereof, amongst the several Owners and Proprietors therein, according to their several shares and proportions: The one of which said Courts shall be held on some day between the tenth and twenty-fifth day of December, and the other on some day between the tenth and twenty-fourth day of June, yearly.
Yearly Recompences to the Governor, Deputy-Governor and Directors.
Item. It is ordained, that the Recompence to the Governor and Deputy-Governor should be £.150. each yearly, and to each Director £.100. yearly.
Taking and reading the Minutes of Court.
Item. It is ordained, that the minutes of all debates, orders, resolutions, and transactions, had, made, and agreed on, at every General Court and Court of Directors, shall be hereafter be taken and written down by the Secretary, or the person chosen and sworn to be his assistant, in a book to kept for that purpose; and that before any such Courts shall be adjourned or dismissed, the minutes of that Court shall be read over audibly by the Secretary, r such his assistant as aforesaid.
And that all meetings of General Courts, of which notice is required to be posted on the Royal Exchange, shall also be posted in one or more of the Dublin newspapers.