The Tablet Page 28, 31st March 1917
The first of the new C.W.L. Recreation Huts erected by the Catholic Huts Council and staffed and managed by the Catholic Women’s League, was opened at Bramshott Camp by the Bishop of Portsmouth on Saturday last. Among those present were Lady Plowden, Mr. and Miss Egerton-Castle, Mrs. James Hope, President C.W.L., Colonel de Salis, representing the G.O.C. Bramshott Camp, Mr. E. A. O’Bryen, President Catholic Huts Council, Colonel Ormonde, A.D.C.S., Colonel Barre, Mrs. St. George Saunders, Hon. Organizing Secretary C.W.L., Captain and Mrs. Stapleton, Mr. R. O’Bryen, Father O’Farrell, Senior Chaplain Aldershot, Father Henry (Grayshott), Fathers Workman, M.C., A.D.C.S., Crochi re, C.F., Euan Macdonald, C.F., Mr. Caraman, Hon. Treasurer Catholic Huts Council, Miss Orwin, Hon. Secretary Catholic Huts Council, Major Watson, A.P.M., Major James, Majof Massie, and Father Knox, C.F. (Bramshott Camp).
Mr. E. A. O’Bryen having made a few introductory remarks from the chair, the Bishop thanked the Huts Council in warm terms for the splendid hut they had erected, which would be a great acquisition to the Camp. He could vouch for the excellent way in which the hut would be managed by the C.W.L. He tendered hearty thanks to Father Knox, who had seen at the front the necessity of having Catholic huts for our soldiers and had never rested until he had obtained one from the Huts Council. The hut was going to do much good ; moreover, it would be open to soldiers of all denominations, and his lordship hoped that the letters written in it by the Canadian troops of the camp would take to Canada a message of greeting and goodwill.
Colonel de Salis, in a happy little speech, wished the hut every success, which he was sure would follow the spirit of charity, work and loyalty in which it had been started, and which motto he thought should be painted on the walls of the hut.
After the Rev. Colonel Ormonde (C. of E.) had made an impressive speech, Mrs. James Hope, as President of the C.W.L., formally took over the hut from the Huts Council. She spoke with appreciation of the kind assistance the Y.M.C.A. render the C.W.L. huts whenever they are called upon.
Father Workman proposed a vote of thanks to the Bishop for his presence, which was seconded by Father Knox, who also thanked the military authorities for their very generous co-operation in the work of erecting the hut.
“God Save the King” was played by a military band, and then, while tea was being served, everyone admired the interior of the hut. It has been built almost entirely of asbestos, and is charmingly painted and furnished.