Duel between the Hon Christopher Hely Hutchinson and Patrick W Callaghan 1820

Christopher Hely Hutchinson

Duel between the Hon Christopher Hely Hutchinson and Patrick W Callaghan, Esq April 16 1820 on Friday the 7th instant at an early hour a meeting took place near the Lough between the Hon Christopher Hely Hutchinson one of our city Representatives and Patrick W Callaghan Esq the former attended by Sir WA Chatterton Bart as his second and the latter by Dennis Richard Maylan Esq. On the first fire Mr Hutchinson was slightly wounded in one of the fingers of the left hand which has been since amputated but we understand he is going on favourably.

from The Brief Display of The Origin and History of Ordeals,…….. also a Chronological Register of The Principal Duels Fought from The Accession of His Late Majesty to The Present Time. by James P Gilchrist, London 1821.

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