The Church of Saint John the Evangelist in Monkstown, co. Cork

 The Church of Saint John the Evangelist in Monkstown, co. Cork

The church was built in 1832 on land given by Daniel and Gerard Callaghan of Cork, who were the tenants of Thomas Pakenham (1774-1835), 2nd Earl of Longford, and John Vesey (1771-1855), 2nd Viscount de Vesci.

The two peers, who were the joint landlords of Monkstown Castle and the surrounding estate, also provided the income for the first vicar. The Earl of Longford was a brother-in-law of the Duke of Wellington, and together the Pakenham and Vesey family had inherited their interest in property in the Monkstown area through their shared descent from two heiresses, two granddaughters of Michael Boyle, Archbishop of Armagh.

But the church was built not through the generosity of these two aristocrats, but through the generosity of their tenants, the brothers Daniel Callaghan (1786-1849) and Gerard Callaghan of Cork. The Callaghan family had been the tenants of Monkstown Castle from the 1770s.

Gerard Callaghan was MP for Cork City and County as a Tory from 1826 to 1832. On the other hand, his brother Daniel Callaghan was an MP for Cork City and Cork County from 1830 to 1849, first as a Whig (1830-1849) and then as a member of the Irish Repeal Association, Daniel O’Connell’s effective political machine.

By the time the church was being built, the tenant of Monkstown Castle was Bernard Robert Shaw (1801-1880).

Thady Grehan and Jane Lyons Harman- Marriage 1805

Jane Lyons Harman, bapt. at St. Philip’s 5 Nov. 1775;

mar. 16 April 1805 Thady Grehan, Captain 7th West India Regiment,

1st son of Peter Grehan of Dublin by Mary, dau. of Stephen Roche, Esq.,

of Co. Limerick.


The history of the island of Antigua, one of the Leeward Caribbees in the West Indies, from the first settlement in 1635 to the present time

Mitchell and Hughes, London 1896…/historyofislando02oliv_djvu.txt 

RORY O’MORE, (fl. 1620–1652)

, Irish rebel, often called Roger Moore or More, son of Calvagh O’More, was descended from the ancient chiefs of Leix. After the plantation of the Queen’s County the O’Mores raised various rebellions, which were afterwards reckoned as nineteen in number. A transplantation to Kerry, Clare, and Connaught was undertaken during the reign of James I, of which the state papers contain many details. But they kept always drifting back to their own district, and it was said that they preferred dying there to living anywhere else. Chichester, with a reference to Spanish history, called them White Moors. One of this harassed clan was Roger’s father, Calvagh, who had become possessed of a castle and lands at Ballina in Kildare, and these were not affected by the transplantation. Roger, the elder son, inherited Ballina, married a daughter of Sir Patrick Barnewall [q. v.], the noted catholic champion, and was thus connected with the best families of the Pale.

It has been said that O’More, who was in poor circumstances, had hopes of recovering the lands of his family from Strafford; but there is no trace of any such idea in that statesman’s correspondence. There was a moment of weakness after the great viceroy’s final departure in April 1640; the English government were busy in Scotland, and the time seemed propitious for an effort by the Irish catholics to regain their lost territories, and to restore the splendour of their religion. O’More, who afterwards admitted to an English prisoner (Temple, Hist. of Irish Rebellion, p. 103) that a plot had been hatching for years, began negotiations with John or Shane O’Neill, the great Tyrone’s younger son and last surviving heir, who was acknowledged by the Irish and on the continent as Earl of Tyrone. He sounded some of the discontented gentry of Connaught and Leinster, having an ally among the latter in Colonel Richard Plunkett, who was his wife’s first-cousin. Plunkett, who was a needy man, was well known at the English court and in Irish society, and had seen service in Flanders. The disbanding of Strafford’s army had left a great many officers and soldiers without employment, and these very willingly listened to the plotter. O’More’s means of persuasion were mainly two: there was a chance for old Irish and Anglo-Irish families to recover their lost estates or to win new ones; and there was something like a certainty that the puritan parliament in England would deal harshly with the adherents of Rome. Many lent a favouring ear; but all agreed that nothing could be done without a rising in Ulster. His position made O’More the fittest person to mediate between the Pale and the native clans.

In February 1641 O’More applied to Lord Maguire [see Maguire, Connor, second Baron of Enniskillen], who was in Dublin for the parliamentary session, with Hugh Oge MacMahon [q. v.], and others of the northern province. Richelieu promised arms, ammunition, and money to the titular Earl of Tyrone; but the latter was killed in Spain in the spring of 1641, and the conspirators transferred their hopes to Colonel Owen Roe O’Neill [q. v.], who was then in Flanders. O’More appears throughout as the mainspring of the whole plot, and his parish priest, Toole O’Conley, was chosen as the messenger to Owen Roe. It was O’More who swore Maguire, Sir Phelim O’Neill [q. v.], and the rest to secrecy (Hickson, Ireland in the Seventeenth Century, ii. 190). About 1 Sept. 1641 it was decided to seize Dublin Castle on 5 Oct., but the day was afterwards changed to the 23rd. O’More was to lead the party charged with seizing the lesser of the two gates. He visited Ulster at the beginning of October, shifting constantly from place to place to avoid suspicion, and was one of the five who made the final arrangements on the 15th. The place of meeting was his son-in-law’s house in Armagh county, Sir Phelim O’Neill [q. v.] and Lord Maguire being present there with him. But it is hard to be hidden in the country, and Sir William Cole, in a letter dated 11 Oct., warned the lords justices that there was mischief brewing (Nalson, Collections, ii. 519). He did not name O’More, and nothing really was known until the evening of 22 Oct., when Owen O’Connolly made his statement to Lord-justice Parsons. Late that night O’More went to Lord Maguire and told him that the cause was lost. It is from Maguire’s often printed narrative that we know most of the details. O’More, with Plunkett and Hugh O’Byrne, escaped over the river, and was perhaps not at first suspected, for O’Connolly did not mention him, nor does his name occur in the first statement made by MacMahon, or in the letter of the Irish government to Lord Leicester. His brother-in-law, Lord Kingsland, was one of those on whom the Irish government at first relied for the preservation of peace.

The plot to seize Dublin Castle totally failed, but the Ulster rebellion broke out as arranged, and O’More almost at once appears in the field as colonel with a large, but only partially armed, force under him. His brother Lewis had the rank at first of captain, and afterwards of colonel. O’More fought victoriously at Julianstown, in Meath, on 29 Nov., and acted as spokesman for the Ulster Irish at the conference held a few days later on the hill of Crofty, between their chiefs and the gentry of the Pale. The substance of his speech, which had been carefully prepared, is preserved by Sellings (Gilbert, Hist. of Confederation and War, i. 36). In the proclamation of the lords justices, dated 8 Feb. 1641-2, a price was put upon his head—400l. for its actual production, and 300l. for satisfactory evidence of having slain him. He was present when Ormonde defeated the Irish at Kilrush on 15 April 1642. Carte says he went to Flanders about this time; and, if so, he probably returned with Owen Roe O’Neill, who reached Ireland in July. He was serving in the King’s County at the end of that month, the title of general being accorded to him by the Irish thereabouts. On the formation of the supreme council of the confederate catholics at Kilkenny in October he was appointed to command in the King’s County and half the Queen’s County, and was present at the taking of Birr in January 1642-3 (Hist. MSS. Comm. 2nd Rep. p. 218).

In spite of his many connections, O’More was not thoroughly trusted by the Anglo-Irish; he was a Celt, and towards the Celtic party he drifted more and more. The gentry of the Pale were soon sorry for the war, which ruined most of them; and when O’More confessed to his brother-in-law Fleming that he was the real originator of it, the latter answered that he found himself mistaken, for he thought the devil had begun it (Carte). In 1644 O’More’s name appears in a list of Owen Roe’s followers, his title in the Irish cipher being ‘the shoemaker’ (Contemp. Hist. i. 605). In the same year he offered himself for service in Antrim’s Scottish expedition [see Macdonnell, Randal, 1609-1683], with a half-armed regiment of fifteen hundred men (ib. i. 652). In 1648 he was living at Ballinskill, in the district where his clan once ruled (ib. i. 229). In the same year he was in arms against the Kilkenny confederation, and was employed by Owen Roe in abortive negotiations with Inchiquin (ib. i. 747, 751). Early in the following year the author of the ‘Aphorismical Discovery,’ who regarded him as a mere temporiser, says he was one of O’Neill’s cabinet council, and that he tried to bring about an understanding between his leader and Ormonde, but only succeeded in offending both (ib. ii. 21). After the declaration of Jamestown on 12 Aug. 1650 O’More and his brother Lewis both took arms, and he commanded some foot in Connaught in the following year (ib. ii. 114, 158). He had Clanricarde’s commission as commander in Leinster, with full civil and military authority (ib. iii. 1, 15). But the cause was quite lost by this time, and O’More was driven into the remote island of Bofin. The author of the ‘Aphorismical Discovery’ says that he was basely deserted there by Bishop Lynch and others in December 1652; that he escaped to the Ulster coast, and lived there for a time disguised as a fisherman; and that he was reported to have escaped to Scotland (ib. iii. 143). It seems quite as likely that he perished obscurely in Ireland. Both brothers were excepted from pardon for life or estate in the Cromwellian Act of Settlement 12 Aug. 1652, and Lewis was soon afterwards hanged as guilty of murder (Ludlow, Memoirs, ii. 8).

O’More was an accomplished man, and could speak well both in English and Irish. He was undoubtedly the main contriver of the rebellion; but he was not a professional soldier, and played no great part in the war. He was distantly connected by marriage with Ormonde, and Carte gives him credit for doing his best to check the barbarities of which Sir Phelim O’Neill’s followers were guilty. That he was considered reasonable and humane by the protestants may be inferred from the fact that Lady Anne Parsons applied to him for protection. His answer has been preserved (Hist. MSS. Comm. 2nd Rep. p. 218). He wrote like a gentleman, but did not grant the lady’s request. Popular tradition clings to the name of Rory O’More, but it is probable that some of this glory really belongs to Rory Oge, who gave the government so much trouble in Queen Elizabeth’s time.

[Calendar of Irish State Papers, 1603-25; Carte’s Life of the Duke of Ormonde, bk. iii.; Nalson’s Collection, vol. ii.; Ludlow’s Memoirs; Temple’s Hist. of Irish Rebellion, ed. 1766; Lodge’s Peerage, ed. Archdall, art. ‘Viscount Kingsland;’ Hickson’s Ireland in the Seventeenth Century; Gilbert’s Hist. of the Confederation and War in Ireland and his Contemporary Hist. of Affairs in Ireland; Carte MSS. in the Bodleian Library, passim.]

Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900, Volume 42
O’More, Rory (fl.1620-1652)

by Richard Bagwell

Rory Oge O’More (d. 1578)

O’MORE, RORY or RURY OGE (d. 1578), Irish rebel, called in Irish Ruaidhri og ua Mordha, was second son of Rory O’More, captain of Leix, by Margaret, daughter of Thomas Butler, and granddaughter of Pierce or Piers Butler, eighth earl of Ormonde [q. v.] (cf. Lodge, Peerage of Ireland, ed. Archdall, iv. 19; and Harl. MS. 1425, f. 119b). Sir Henry Sidney once called him ‘an obscure and base varlet,’ but his family was one of the most important of the minor Irish septs, and also one of the most turbulent.

Rory O’More (fl. 1554), the father, was son of Connell O’More (d. 1537), and early acquired the character of a violent and successful chieftain. On the death of Connell a fierce dispute broke out between the three sons—Lysaght,Kedagh, and Rory—and their uncle Peter the tanist. Peter was for the time a friend of the Butlers. Consequently the deputy, Lord Leonard Grey, supported the sons; and, although Peter was acknowledged chief, Grey got hold of him by a ruse, and led him about in chains for some time, Kedagh then seems to have secured the chieftainship, Lysaght having been killed; but he died early in 1542, and Rory, the third brother, succeeded. He, after a period of turmoil, agreed on 13 May 1542 to lead a quieter life, and made a general submission, being probably influenced by the fact that Kedagh had left a son of the same name, who long afterwards, in 1565, petitioned the privy council to be restored to his father’s inheritance. Like other Irish chiefs of the time, O’More was only a nominal friend to the English. In a grant afterwards made to his eldest son his services to King Edward VI are spoken of; but they must have been of doubtful value, as an order of 15 March 1550-1 forbade any of the name of O’More to hold land in Leix (App. to 8th Rep. Dep.-Keep. Publ. Rec. Ireland). At some uncertain time between 1550 and 1557 Rory O’More was killed, and was succeeded by a certain Connell O’More, who may be the Connell Oge O’More mentioned in 1556 in the settlement of Leix (cf. Bagwell, Ireland under the Tudors, i. 400, and Cal. State Papers, Irish Ser. 1509-73, pp. 135,414). He was put to death in 1557 (Annals of the Four Masters, ii. 1545). Rory left two sons, Callagh and Rory Oge. Callagh, who was brought up in England, was called by the English ‘The Calough,’ and, as he describes himself as of Gray’s Inn in 1568, he may be assumed to be the John Callow who entered there in 1567 (Foster, Reg. of Gray’s Inn, p. 39). In 1571 Ormonde petitioned for the Calough’s return, and soon afterwards he came back to Ireland, where in 1582 he was thought a sufficiently strong adherent to the English to receive a grant of land in Leix (Cal. State Papers, Irish Ser. 1574-85, pp. 392, 412).

Rory Oge O’More, the second son, was constantly engaged in rebellion. He received a pardon on 17 Feb. 1565-6, but in 1571 he was noted as dangerous, and in 1572 he was fighting Ormonde and the queen at the same time, being favoured by the weakness of the forces at the command of Francis Cosby, the seneschal of Queen’s County, and the temporary absence of Ormonde in England. In this little rebellion the Butlers and the Fitzgeralds were united against him; but when, in November 1572, Desmond escaped from Dublin, it was Rory Oge O’More who escorted him through Kildare and protected him in Queen’s County (cf. 12th Rep. Dep.-Keep. Publ. Rec. Ireland, p. 78). He was mixed up in Kildare’s plots in 1574, and taken prisoner in November. But he was soon free, and Sidney, when on his tour in 1575, wrote of him: ‘Rory Oge O’More hath the possession and settling-place in the Queen’s County, whether the tenants will or no, as he occupieth what he listeth and wasteth what he will.’ However, O’More was afraid of the deputy, and when Sydney came into his territory, he went to meet him in the cathedral of Kilkenny (December 1575), and ‘submitted himself, repenting (as he said) his former faults, and promising hereafter to live in better sort (for worse than he hath been he cannot be).’ Hence we find a new pardon granted to him on 4 June 1576 (ib. p. 179). But in the next year he hoped for help from Spain, and, pushed on by John Burke, his friend, he made a desperate attack on the Pale. He allied himself with some of the O’Connors, and gathered an army. On 18 March 1576-7 the seneschal of Queen’s County was commanded to attack Rory Oge and the O’Connors with fire and sword (13th Rep. Dep.-Keep. Publ. Rec. Ireland, p. 25). There was good reason for active hostilities, as on the 3rd the insurgents had burned Naas with every kind of horror. Sidney wrote to the council the same month: ‘Rory Oge O’More and Cormock M’Cormock O’Conor have burnt the Naas. They ranne thorough the towne lyke hagges and furies of hell, with flakes of fier fastned on poles ends’ (Cal. State Papers, Irish Ser. 1574-85, p. 107; cf. Carew MSS. 1575-88, f. 110). Later in the year O’More captured Harrington and Cosby. They were rescued by a ruse. O’More’s wife and all but O’More himself and one of those who were with him were killed. Infuriated at being caught, O’More fell upon Harrington, ‘hacked and hewed’ him so that Sidney saw his brains moving when his wounds were being dressed, then rushing through a soldier’s legs, he escaped practically naked (Carew MSS. 1575-88, f. 356). He soon afterwards burned Carlow; but in an attempt to entrap Barnaby Fitzpatrick, baron of Upper Ossory, into his hands, he was killed by the Fitzpatricks in June 1578, and his head set up on Dublin Castle. He left a son, Owen McRory O’More, whom John Burke, son of the Earl of Clanricarde, took charge of. The English got hold of him after some difficulty, and foolishly allowed him to return to his own country. He became as great a rebel as his father, and, after a life of fighting and plundering, in which, however, he recovered almost all Leix, was killed in a skirmish near Timahoe, Queen’s County, 17 Aug. 1600. Moryson called him ‘a bloody and bold young man,’ ‘The Four Masters’ an ‘illustrious, renowned, and celebrated gentleman.’ After his death the importance of the O’Mores as a sept was gone.

[Bagwell’s Ireland under the Tudors; Webb’s Compendium of Irish Biogr.; Cal. of State Papers, Irish Ser., and of the Carew MSS.; State Papers; Annals of the Four Masters, ed. O’Donovan, vols. vi. vii.; authorities quoted.]

Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900, Volume 42
O’More, Rory (d.1578)

by William Arthur Jobson Archbold

Piers Butler, 8th Earl of Ormonde 1467 – 1539

Piers [Butler], 8th Earl of Ormonde later 1st Earl of Ossory

born c 1467, mar. c 1485 Lady Margaret FitzGerald, “the Great Countess” (d. 9 Aug 1542; bur. with her husband in the Church of St Canice, Kilkenny), 2nd dau. of Gerald [FitzGerald], 8th Earl of Kildare, by his first wife Alison FitzEustace, dau. by his second wife of Rowland [FitzEustace], 1st Baron Portlester


1. Sir James Butler, later 1st Viscount Thurles later 9th Earl of Ormonde and 2nd Earl of Ossory

2. Richard Butler, later 1st Viscount Mountgarret

3. Thomas Butler (d. 1532)

1. Lady Margaret Butler (d. betw. 9 Sep 1542 and 25 Jul 1551), mar. (1) Hon Thomas FitzGerald (dsp.), 2nd son of Maurice FitzThomas [FitzGerald], 9th Earl of Desmond, and (2) in or bef. 1533 as his first wife Barnaby [FitzPatrick], 1st Baron Upper Ossory, and had issue by her second husband

2. Lady Catherine Butler (d. 17 Mar 1552/3; bur. at Askeaton, co. Limerick), mar. (1) bef. 1526 Richard [Power], 1st Baron Le Power and Coroghmore, and (2) bef. Feb 1549/50 as his third wife James FitzJohn [FitzGerald], 13th Earl of Desmond, and had issue by her first husband

3. Lady Joan Butler, mar. James Butler, Lord of Dunboyne, co. Meath (d. 15 Jan 1538), and had issue

4. Lady Ellice Butler, mar. Gerald FitzJohn FitzGerald, of Dromana, Lord of the Decies (d. 1553), and had issue

5. Lady Ellinor Butler, mar. as his first wife Thomas [Butler], 1st Baron Caher, and had issue

6. Lady Ellen Butler (d. 2 Jul 1597; bur. in St Canice’s Cathedral, Kilkenny), mar. in or bef. 1533 Donogh [O’Brien], 2nd and 1st Earl of Thomond, and had issue

died 26 Aug 1539 (bur. in the Church of St Canice, Kilkenny)

created 23 Feb 1527/8 Earl of Ossory

suc. by son Sir James Butler,


called “The Red Piers”; Sheriff of Kilkenny 1488/9; knighted bef. 1497; Seneschal of the Liberty of Tipperary 1505; Deputy to the 7th Earl of Ormonde for his Irish lands 1505 ‘ granted two parts of the prise of wines in Limerick 1506 ; Chief Governor of Ireland as Lord Deputy 1521/2-24; Lord Treasurer of Ireland 1524; induced by King Henry VIII, along with the coheirs of the 7th Earl of Ormonde, to resign their respective claims to the Earldom of Ormonde; Constable of Dungarvan Castle, co. Waterford 1527/8; Lord Deputy of Ireland 1528-29; granted the Irish estates of the 7th Earl of Ormonde’s coheirs 1537; restored to the Earldom of Ormonde 1537/8.

Rory Ceach O’More and Rory Oge O’More 1538 – 1578



1538:  Rory Oge O’More is born.

1546, July: Patrick O’More invades Kildare.

1547: Patrick O’More declared a traitor. Kedach O’More, Chief of Leix, died in prison in London. Rory Ceach becomes the new Chief of Leix.

1550: Rory Ceach in active rebellion; continues until 1553.

1555: Patrick O’More kills his brother, Rory Ceach, Rory Oge’s father. Connell O’More, Rory Oge’s uncle becomes Chief.

1556: Dublin Parliament summoned to seize Leix and Offaly lands as “Crown Lands”.

1557: Conell O’More, Chief of Leix, is captured and put to death.

1558: Rory Oge O’More becomes Lord of Leix at age 20. Patrick O’More dies while in prison in London.

1565, February 17th: Rory Oge O’More receives a pardoned by Lord Deputy.

1571: In company with O’Connor, again wages war on English.

1572:  Aides the escape of Gerald Fitzgerald, Earl of Desmond, from English custody in the Pale.

1572: Prosecuted by Thomas Butler in absentia for treason against the Crown.

1573, March: Piers Butler FitzEdmond, kills Tirrelaghe More, a leader of Kerne.

1573, April: Lord Deputy requests of Lord Burlghy for aid in recovery of Leix from the O’More. Additional request for ability to exterminate the entire clan.

1574: Lord Deputy takes Lysagh MacKedagh, Neal McLisagh and Melaghlin O’More Captive.

1574, August: Callough O’More granded Manor of Ballina, County Kildare.

1574 ,November:  Surprised by English troops and taken captive to Dublin.

Released shortly by Sir William Fitzwilliam, the new Lord Deputy.

1575, March 15th: The Crown gives Leix to Sir Francis Cosby to hold.

1576, June: Again in open rebellion against Enlgish in company with Clanrickard’s sons.

1577, January 1: Massacre of Mullaghmast, near Athy in Kildare.

1577, March 3rd: Burning the town of Naas to the ground.  No life lost.

1577, May: Piers Butler FitzEdmond, at Castle of Galyne in Leix, kills Edmond O’Dewie, Edmond Riogh O’Kelly and Edmond Loaghlor, all confederates of Rory Oge’s.

1577, September: Rory takes Sir Henry Harrington and Alexander Cosby hostage.  Harrington is the nephew to Sir Henry Sidney, Lord Deputy.  Cosby is Francis Cosby’s son.  House attacked by English troops under Robert Harpole.  26 of Rory’s men killed, plus Rory Oge’s wife, and his marshall Conor O’Connor and his wife.  Harrington gravely injured by survives.

Rory Oge escapes alone with Shane MacRory reagh O’More.

1577, November: It is reported by the Lord Deputy that through his actions in the field, Rory Oge O’More cost the English Crown the sum of 200,000 pounds for that year.

1578, June 30th: Rory surprised and killed by Brian Oge MacGillapatrick of Ossory.

1578, September 30th: Shane macRory O’More submits, along with Teig McGilpatrick O’Conor, at Castledermot in Kilkenny.

from the Clan moore website

Moore – O’More

Moore is a very numerous name in Ireland. With some 16,500 of the population so called, it holds twentieth place in the list of commonest names. The great majority of these (apart from the metropolitan area) are in Munster and Ulster. It is practically impossible to say what proportion of these are of Gaelic Irish origin and what proportion of English extraction, for Moore is also indigenous in England and very common there (it has thirty-ninth place in their list). It would perhaps be better to say Anglo-Norman rather than English, since Anglo-Norman Moores established themselves in Munster soon after the invasion. These Moores are called de Mora in Irish, a phonetic rendering of the English name which is derived from the word ‘moor’ (heathy mountain).

The old Irish Moores are Ó Mordha, from the word mordha (stately, noble). The eponymous ancestor Mordha was twenty-first in descent from Conal Cearnach, the most distinguished of the heroes of the Red Branch.

The O’Mores were the leading sept of the Seven Septs of Laois; the other six being tributary to them. According to Keating, the O’Mores have St. Fintan as their protector. Of thirteen families of Moore recorded in Burke’s Landed Gentry of Ireland (1912), twelve claim to have come to Ireland as settlers from England or Scotland and only one to be an offshoot of the O’Mores. Judged by the test of their resistance to English aggression, the O’Mores may be described as one of the foremost Irish septs. In this connection particular mention may be made of Rory O’More (died 1557) and his son, Rory Óg O’More (died 1578), both of whom were distinguished Irish leaders in the wars against the Tudor sovereigns, and another Rory O’More, a member of the Laois sept, the head of the 1641 Rising and a staunch ally of Owen Roe O’Neill in the subsequent war. It is of interest to note that he was known in English as Moore as well as O’More.

Of the many Moores who have distinguished themselves in various phases of Irish life the most famous was, perhaps, Thomas Moore (1779-1852), the poet: he was of a Co. Wexford family. The Moores of Moore Hall, Co. Mayo, produced George Henry Moore (1810-1870), the politician, and his two sons George Moore (1852-1933), the novelist, and Col. Maurice Moore (1854-1939), author and ardent worker in the Nationalist cause in the last century. The Moores of Moore Hall descend from the Moores of Alicante, Spain, who were English in origin. Father Florence O’More, alias Moore (1550-1616) was a noted Irish Jesuit in Austria. Rev. Michael Moore (1640-1726) was the only Catholic provost of Trinity College (Dublin University). Others were noted as economists, architects etc., and one Rev. Henry Moore (1751-1844) was friend and biographer of John Wesley. A number of O’Mores of the Laois sept were officers of the Irish Brigade in France in the eighteenth century. The descendants of one of them, Murtagh O’More (who went to France in 1691), ranked among the nobility of France as Lords of Valmont.

The family name of the Earls of Drogheda is Moore: their ancestor came to Ireland under Queen Elizabeth I. The Moores of Barmeath have been settled there since the fourteenth century. St. Malachy, who was Archbishop of Armagh from 1132 to 1148, is described by Gams and other ecclesiastical authorities as Malachy O’Moore. His surname, however, was O’Morgair (now obsolete), which is not, in fact, an early form of Ó Mordha.

A stormy December 1763 in Ireland, and the death of Edward Moore

    Freeman Journal, Dublin, Ireland, 10 Dec 1763

     Cork, Dec. 5. Last Thursday evening it blew a Storm with the Wind. N.E. and continued to do so all Night with great Violence, which has done considerable damage: At Blackpool a house was blown down, but happily no person hurt thereby; several other houses have been unroofed; a large Stone Wall was likewise blown down, on the Lands of Lota, near this City, the Seat of Robert Rogers, Esq; by the fall of which eight Sheep that had taken Shelter under it were crushed to death; and a great number of trees standing on said Lands were torn from their Roots. We do not hear of any damage being done to the Shipping in this Harbour; but it is feared we shall have dismal Accounts from Sea.

Friday morning a poor man was found dead near Whitechurch, on the road between this City and Mallow, without any marks of violence on him; It is supposed he perished by the inclemency of the weather on Thursday night.
Same day died at Mount-Prospect, Catherine Danahy, a poor woman, aged 100 years, who retained her senses to the moment of her death. Her husband, who is near the same age, is now living, and earns his livelihood by daily working at the spade.

Limerick, Dec. ?. Last Week died at his seat at Crotto in the County of Kerry, Richard Ponsonby, Esq; Member in the last Parliament for the Town of Kinsale. A Gentleman of the greatest integrity, honour and hospitality, whose death is universally mourned.

Belfast, Dec. 6. Last Thursday evening, in the great storm, ran on a rock at the entrance of the harbour of Donaghadee, and went to pieces, the brig Phoenix of Irvine, Robert Fulton master, from Liverpool for Larne, with rock felt, tobacco, flour, cheese &c and every person perished except John Calwell, a sailor, who was passenger. They thought to make good the Key, but keeping too far off the peer in the entrance brought the vessel on the rock. The scene was dreadfully distressing to the numerous spectators on shore, it being just at hand, without the least ability of giving relief. Twelve were drowned, whose bodies have been taken up, and interred in Donaghadee Church-yard; among whom were the mother and her four children. The survivor saved himself, by the support of some oars which he tied together, whereby he was brought to shore. The vessel and cargo, except some of the cheese, are lost.
Same day the Larne cruising barge was drove on shore at Bangor; The surveyor and crew are saved, but the barge much damaged.


Last Thursday Sen’night in the Evening, the Hampden Packet, with three English Mails on board; in warping out of Holyhead Harbour, into the Bay, in order to get under Sail, was suddenly taken with a very violent Storm at N.E. when she immediately let down her best Anchors but before they could veer a sufficient Length of Cable, the Ship was among the Rocks at the South-side of the Harbour near the Light House, and was drove very high upon a flat Rock and there stuck; Two of the Passengers, Mr. Main and Mr. Sweetman, that would not be persuaded by the Captain to remain on board till the Tide fell, were unhappily lost, with two Boatmen, by going into a Shore-boat, which had brought them to the Ship, all the rest were safe that returned on board the Ship.

Wednesday Mr. Hosea Coates, Capt. Bourke, Capt. Kelly, Mess. Johnson, Driscol, Miller, Hayes, Vicary, Noble, Dalton, Murray, Cheevers, Hayden, Beaty, Marken, a Messenger with an Express to his Excellency, the Lord Lieutenant, and five Mails arrived in the Besborough Packet from Holyhead. Mr. Fitzgerald and several other Passengers sailed in the Mary, Capt. Thomas, for Parkgate.

Thursday, a Man genteely drest in Claret-coloured Cloaths, was taken up drowned at Ringsend, his Watch, and a Pocket-book, with several Bank Notes were found upon him, it is imagined by some Papers found in his Pocket, that his name was Walsh.
Thursday, Mr. Edward Moore, an eminent Brewer, at Mount Brown, fell of a Plank on George’s-Quay, and was unfortunately drowned, notwithstanding all possible Assistance was given.

A few Days ago, Mr. Joseph Archbold, of Vicker’s-Street, Distiler, was married to Miss Frances Carberry, of Coolough; a young Lady of great Merit, and a considerable Fortune.

BEGS Leave to acquaint his Friends, Customers and the Public, that he has removed from the Queen’s-Head in Dame-street, to Parliament-street, the East Corner next Dame-street; As he is just returned from London, has brought over a great Variety of the most fashionable flower’d Silks; flower’d and plain Negligee Sattins; water’d and plain Tabbies, Armazeens, black Silks, Damasks, flower’d and plain three-quarter Sattins for Cloaks; Norwich Crapes, Bombazeens, Russels, Callimancoes, and Stuffs; He has a great Variety of flower’d and striped Thread Sattins, quilted Pettycoats, &c.
N.B. He continues to sell on the lowest Terms for ready Money.

TIMOTHY FITZGERALD, Silk-Weaver, in the Lower Castle-Yard, next Door to the Chapel, continues to make all Sorts of Silk Goods, viz. Damasks, Paduasoys, half Ell Tabies, and half Yard Tabies, half Ell watered Tabies, and half yard watered Tabies, Sattins, Ducapes and Armageens, black Silk Sattin for Waistcoats, Silk Serges and Shagreens, Mantuas, Lutestrings, rich black Paduasoys for Clergymen Tippets, black Silks of all Sorts, flowered and figured Capuchin Silks, Persians, Rosdimoers, hard Persians, striped Sattins and Velbets, and all other Forts of Silks in the Mercury Way, which he is determined to sell at the lowest Prices, by Wholesale and Retail. He also sells superfine Norwich Crapes. He continues to make all Sorts of Silk Handkerchiefs in the Indian Way, and Black and Barcelona Handkerchiefs.
N.B. He was the first who made black Paduasoy in this Kingdom, and has several Premiums from the Dublin Society, for them, and for Damask Silks.

Aghada Co. Cork, in 1837

From A Topographical Dictionary of Ireland, by Samuel Lewis 1837

AGHADA, or AHADA, a parish, partly in the barony of BARRYMORE, but chiefly in that of IMOKILLY, county of CORK, and province of MUNSTER, 4 miles (S. W. by W.) from Cloyne; containing 2512 inhabitants. This parish, which includes the small fishing village of Whitegate, is situated on the south side of Cork harbour, and on the road from Cloyne to Carlisle Fort. The village of Aghada occupies an elevated site, and contains the parish church and R. C. chapel. The village of Whitegate is a small fishing port, where several boats are employed in raising sand from the harbour, which is used for manure. On the north side of the parish a neat small pier has been constructed by subscription, where a steam-boat from Cork or Cove calls every Tuesday during the summer, and where coal and sand are occasionally landed. About 50 females are employed in platting Tuscan straw for exportation, and a few in platting the crested dog’s tail, or “traneen,” grass found here. The parish comprises 2331 statute acres, as applotted under the tithe act: the greater part is under tillage, and nearly the whole of the remainder is pasture; there is very little waste land or bog.

At Whitegate are two quarries of stone used for building. There are several handsome houses within its limits: the principal are Aghada House, the residence of J. Roche, Esq.(James Joseph Roche); Whitegate House, of Mrs. Blakeney Fitzgerald; Careystown, of Mrs. Atkin; Hadwell Lodge, of J. Penrose, Esq.; Hadwell, of the Rev. Dr. Austen; Maryland House, of J. Haynes, Esq.; Rathcourcy, of J. Smith, Esq.; and the glebe-house, of the Rev. J. Gore. There is a coast-guard station at East Ferry. The living is a rectory and vicarage, in the diocese of Cloyne; it was united in the reign of Chas. II. to the rectories and vicarages of Corkbeg, Rostellan, Inch, and Kilteskin or Titeskin, which, from the time of Bishop Crow, in the reign of Anne, were held in commendam by the Bishop of Cloyne, till the death of Dr. Brinkley in 1835, when they were disunited by the Ecclesiastical Commissioners, and made separate benefices, in the patronage of the Crown: the tithes amount to £292. 15. 6. The church, a neat structure, situated on an eminence above the harbour of Cove, was erected in 1812. The glebe-house adjoins it, and for its erection the late Board of First Fruits, in 1814, granted a loan of £1000 and a gift of £100: the glebe comprises 20 acres of profitable land.

In the R. C. divisions the parish forms the head of a union or district, also called Saleen, which comprises the parishes of Aghada, Rostellan, Corkbeg, Inch, and Garranekenefeck, and contains three chapels, situated respectively in Aghada, Rostellan, and Inch; the first is a small plain edifice, built by the late John Roche, Esq., who, in 1818, founded a school. The parochial school at Farcet was founded by the late Bishop Brinkley, who endowed it with two acres of land from the glebe, and is further supported by the Marchioness of Thomond. A school at Whitegate Hill was founded in 1827, for 50 boys, by the late R. U. Fitzgerald, Esq., who endowed it with £500; and female and infants’ schools have been built and are supported by his widow, Mrs. Blakeney Fitzgerald. In these schools about 100 boys and 50 girls receive instruction: there are also two private schools, in which are about 50 boys and 40 girls. In the village of Aghada are the picturesque ruins of the old church.

Memorial to Harriet O’Bryen, Clifton Cathedral – 1876

The Tablet Page 18, 5th February 1876

THE PRO-CATHEDRAL—A pleasing addition has lately been made to the Pro-Cathedral of Clifton. The side chapel, dedicated to St. Joseph, has been entirely renewed and decorated, and a marble altar erected, the reredos of which was executed in Belgium. The whole has a very pleasing effect. It is the gift of Basil O’Bryen, Esq, as a memorial of his late wife Harriet Matilda O’Bryen, who died August 23, 1873, and whose remains are buried in the cemetery at Fulham.