Freeman Journal, Dublin, Ireland, 10 Dec 1763
Cork, Dec. 5. Last Thursday evening it blew a Storm with the Wind. N.E. and continued to do so all Night with great Violence, which has done considerable damage: At Blackpool a house was blown down, but happily no person hurt thereby; several other houses have been unroofed; a large Stone Wall was likewise blown down, on the Lands of Lota, near this City, the Seat of Robert Rogers, Esq; by the fall of which eight Sheep that had taken Shelter under it were crushed to death; and a great number of trees standing on said Lands were torn from their Roots. We do not hear of any damage being done to the Shipping in this Harbour; but it is feared we shall have dismal Accounts from Sea.
Friday morning a poor man was found dead near Whitechurch, on the road between this City and Mallow, without any marks of violence on him; It is supposed he perished by the inclemency of the weather on Thursday night.
Same day died at Mount-Prospect, Catherine Danahy, a poor woman, aged 100 years, who retained her senses to the moment of her death. Her husband, who is near the same age, is now living, and earns his livelihood by daily working at the spade.
Limerick, Dec. ?. Last Week died at his seat at Crotto in the County of Kerry, Richard Ponsonby, Esq; Member in the last Parliament for the Town of Kinsale. A Gentleman of the greatest integrity, honour and hospitality, whose death is universally mourned.
Belfast, Dec. 6. Last Thursday evening, in the great storm, ran on a rock at the entrance of the harbour of Donaghadee, and went to pieces, the brig Phoenix of Irvine, Robert Fulton master, from Liverpool for Larne, with rock felt, tobacco, flour, cheese &c and every person perished except John Calwell, a sailor, who was passenger. They thought to make good the Key, but keeping too far off the peer in the entrance brought the vessel on the rock. The scene was dreadfully distressing to the numerous spectators on shore, it being just at hand, without the least ability of giving relief. Twelve were drowned, whose bodies have been taken up, and interred in Donaghadee Church-yard; among whom were the mother and her four children. The survivor saved himself, by the support of some oars which he tied together, whereby he was brought to shore. The vessel and cargo, except some of the cheese, are lost.
Same day the Larne cruising barge was drove on shore at Bangor; The surveyor and crew are saved, but the barge much damaged.
Last Thursday Sen’night in the Evening, the Hampden Packet, with three English Mails on board; in warping out of Holyhead Harbour, into the Bay, in order to get under Sail, was suddenly taken with a very violent Storm at N.E. when she immediately let down her best Anchors but before they could veer a sufficient Length of Cable, the Ship was among the Rocks at the South-side of the Harbour near the Light House, and was drove very high upon a flat Rock and there stuck; Two of the Passengers, Mr. Main and Mr. Sweetman, that would not be persuaded by the Captain to remain on board till the Tide fell, were unhappily lost, with two Boatmen, by going into a Shore-boat, which had brought them to the Ship, all the rest were safe that returned on board the Ship.
Wednesday Mr. Hosea Coates, Capt. Bourke, Capt. Kelly, Mess. Johnson, Driscol, Miller, Hayes, Vicary, Noble, Dalton, Murray, Cheevers, Hayden, Beaty, Marken, a Messenger with an Express to his Excellency, the Lord Lieutenant, and five Mails arrived in the Besborough Packet from Holyhead. Mr. Fitzgerald and several other Passengers sailed in the Mary, Capt. Thomas, for Parkgate.
Thursday, a Man genteely drest in Claret-coloured Cloaths, was taken up drowned at Ringsend, his Watch, and a Pocket-book, with several Bank Notes were found upon him, it is imagined by some Papers found in his Pocket, that his name was Walsh.
Thursday, Mr. Edward Moore, an eminent Brewer, at Mount Brown, fell of a Plank on George’s-Quay, and was unfortunately drowned, notwithstanding all possible Assistance was given.
A few Days ago, Mr. Joseph Archbold, of Vicker’s-Street, Distiler, was married to Miss Frances Carberry, of Coolough; a young Lady of great Merit, and a considerable Fortune.
BEGS Leave to acquaint his Friends, Customers and the Public, that he has removed from the Queen’s-Head in Dame-street, to Parliament-street, the East Corner next Dame-street; As he is just returned from London, has brought over a great Variety of the most fashionable flower’d Silks; flower’d and plain Negligee Sattins; water’d and plain Tabbies, Armazeens, black Silks, Damasks, flower’d and plain three-quarter Sattins for Cloaks; Norwich Crapes, Bombazeens, Russels, Callimancoes, and Stuffs; He has a great Variety of flower’d and striped Thread Sattins, quilted Pettycoats, &c.
N.B. He continues to sell on the lowest Terms for ready Money.
TIMOTHY FITZGERALD, Silk-Weaver, in the Lower Castle-Yard, next Door to the Chapel, continues to make all Sorts of Silk Goods, viz. Damasks, Paduasoys, half Ell Tabies, and half Yard Tabies, half Ell watered Tabies, and half yard watered Tabies, Sattins, Ducapes and Armageens, black Silk Sattin for Waistcoats, Silk Serges and Shagreens, Mantuas, Lutestrings, rich black Paduasoys for Clergymen Tippets, black Silks of all Sorts, flowered and figured Capuchin Silks, Persians, Rosdimoers, hard Persians, striped Sattins and Velbets, and all other Forts of Silks in the Mercury Way, which he is determined to sell at the lowest Prices, by Wholesale and Retail. He also sells superfine Norwich Crapes. He continues to make all Sorts of Silk Handkerchiefs in the Indian Way, and Black and Barcelona Handkerchiefs.
N.B. He was the first who made black Paduasoy in this Kingdom, and has several Premiums from the Dublin Society, for them, and for Damask Silks.