William Henry Burke d 1870

The London Gazette, December 9, 1870


Pursuant to the Act of Parliament of the 22nd and 23rd Vic cap 35 intituled An Act to further amend the Law of Property and to relieve Trustees

NOTICE is hereby given that all persons having any  claim, debt, or demand against or upon the estate of William Henry Burke late of No 32 Thistle grove South Kensington in the county of Middlesex Esq (who died on the 17th day of July 1870 and whose will with a codicil thereto was proved in the Principal Registry of Her Majesty’s Court of Probate on the 3rd day of December 1870 by Harriet Matilda Burke of No 32 Thistle grove South Kensington aforesaid Spinster George William Wood of No 4 Sambrook court Basinghall street in the city of London Accountant and Basil William O Bryen of No 28 Thistle grove South Kensington aforesaid Accountant )are hereby required to send in the particulars of their claims debts or demands to the said George William Wood one of the said executors at his office No 4 Sambrook court Basinghall street in the city of London on or before the 1st day of February 1871 after which day the said executors will proceed to the assets of the deceased among the parties entitled thereto having regard only to the claims debts or demands of which they shall then have had notice and the said executors will not be liable for any part of such assets to any person or persons of whose claim debt or demand they shall not then have had notice Dated this 7th day of December 1870.

WILLIAM GILLS Solicitor, No. 26, Old Broad –street, E.C.


The London and China Telegraph  [Feb 6,1871]

O’Bryen- Burke

On the 1st Feb at the Pro Cathedra,l Kensington, by His Grace Archbishop Manning, assisted by the Rev Fathers Foley and Conolly,  Basil,second surviving son of the late John Roche O Bryen Esq MD to Harriet Matilda,youngest daughter of the late William Henry Burke. Both of Thistle Grove South Kensington. No cards


The Medical Press and Circular Advertiser  Feb 8 1871

O’Bryen- Burke

On the 1st Feb at the Pro Cathedra,l Kensington, by His Grace Archbishop Manning, assisted by the Rev Fathers Foley and Conolly,  Basil,second surviving son of the late John Roche O Bryen Esq MD to Harriet Matilda,youngest daughter of the late William Henry Burke. Both of Thistle Grove South Kensington. No cards


The Illustrated London News, Volume 58 Jan 14 1871

The will of William Henry Burke Esq of Thistle grove South Kensington was proved in London on the 3rd ult under £ 18,000 personalty by Miss Harriett Matilda Burke his daughter George William Wood and Basil William O Bryen the joint acting executors To Mr Wood he leaves £100 and to Mr O Bryen £50. The will is dated May 6 1870, and a codicil June 16 following, and the testator died July 17 last at Queenstown, Cork in Ireland.  He bequeaths to his son William Henry Burke, his six Spanish Bonds nominal value stated at £ 3060 and his Italian Coupons £ 3010; these bequests are beyond any other provision made for him. The testator confirms the provision and settlement for his two daughters and daughter in law, the wife of his son William H Burke. He leaves to his daughter Harriett,  the sum of £ 500 which she is to give to such charitable objects as she might think proper, and appoints her residuary legatee of both his real and personal estate.


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