The cause of the English Martyrs – Rome 1886

The majority of the Roman postings are either events Mgr Henry O’Bryen was at, or things that were happening in Rome at the time. He  moved to Rome in 1873, and lived there until his death in 1895; “Mgr. O’Bryen had the spiritual care of all the Catholics of English tongue, and the Church of St. Andrea della Valle, parochial for the Piazza di Spagna and its neighbourhood, was that in which he heard confessions.”. He became a papal chaplain to Leo XIII (Cameriere Segreto Sopranumerario) in 1881, and also served as a papal ablegate.

The Tablet Page 17, 11th December 1886


To-day the Sacred Congregation of Rites held an extraordinary session of the Cardinals  deputed to examine as to the propriety of  decreeing the introduction of the cause of the English Martyrs, Cardinal Fisher, Sir Thomas More, and their numerous companions, who suffered for the faith under the reigns of Henry VIII. and of Queen Elizabeth, for the purpose of asking of God that the decision of the Congregation may be favourable.

The Chapel at the English College, Rome

There was Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament from nine a.m. to mid-day in the chapel of the English College, which was visited by a number of invited guests. Among these were Cardinal Howard, who is personally interested, as it were, in the cause, because of his two ancestors, Philip, Earl of Arundell, and William Howard, Viscount Stafford, who are included in the list of the English Martyrs ; the Archbishop of St. Andrews and Edinburgh ; the Bishops of Richmond and of St. Paul, U.S.A. ; Mgr. Stonor, Mgr. Rouse, and Mgr..O’Bryen ; Abbot Smith, 0.S.B. ; Father Lockhart, the Rectors and deputations of alumni of all the foreign national colleges, of the Urban College of Propaganda; of the Pallottini Fathers; of the Pontifical Gregorian University ; the Superiors and members of the English Benedictines, and of the Irish Augustinians, Dominicans, and Franciscans, Father Douglus, C.SS.R. ; and other Redemptorist Fathers ; Fathers Ghetti, Casdella, and Armellini, S.J. ; Father Peter Paul Mackey, O.P. : the Oblates of Mary Immaculate ; the College of SS. Ambrose and Charles of the Lombards ; the Oratorians ; the Nuns of the Little Company of Mary ; the Poor Handmaids of Mary ; some  of the Passionist Fathers ; the Marchioness Serlapi, née Fitzgerald ; the Marchioness Ricci ; and the members of the English Colony in Rome.

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