More Providence Row….

Sir Joseph Dimsdale c.1902

On Thursday (21st September) last at the Cornhill Wardmote, ALDERMAN SIR JOSEPH DIMSDALE nominated MR. FRANCIS W. PURSSELL, C.C., as his Deputy for the year, in succession to the late Mr. Deputy Layton. The new Deputy, who was educated at Downside, is perhaps best known as the hon. manager of the Providence (Row) Night Refuge and Home, founded in 1860 by the late Mgr. Gilbert. [The Tablet p.30. 1899]




Providence Row

THE PROVIDENCE (Row) NIGHT REFUGE AND HOME.—The Providence (Row) Night Refuge and Home,Crispin-street, E., which was founded by the late Mgr. Gilbert in 1860, opened for the winter on Monday last (1st November 1897). There was a pitiable scene at the men’s entrance, for, owing to the great amount of destitution existing, the number of applicants was so large that quite 150 had to be turned away, through want of accommodation. The Committee were represented by Mr. Francis W. Purssell (Hon. Manager), and Mr. J. W. Gilbert (Secretary), the former of whom addressed a few kindly words of welcome to the inmates. On Tuesday every place in the Refuge was filled by 5.15 p.m., the total number of men, women and children sheltered and fed being nearly 300. The soup kitchen, which was started last year, will be continued in the severe weather this winter. [The Tablet p.35. 1897]

THE MEMORIAL TO MGR. GILBERT.—The Committee for the “;Gilbert Memorial ” to be placed in the Church of St. Mary’s, Moorfields, includes his Eminence Cardinal Vaughan, the Bishop of Emmaus, the Vicar-General of Westminster, the Right Rev. Mgr. Provost Talbot, the Very Rev v. Canons Johnson, Fenton, Purcell, Akers, O’Callaghan, Graham, and Pycke ; the Very Rev. Father Procter, Provincial of the Dominicans ; the Revv. Deans Fleming and Norris, the Earl of Denbigh, the Count de Torre Diaz, Sir Stuart Knill, Messrs. Edward Bellasis (Lancaster Herald), Alfred Purssell, C.C., S. Ward, Charles Robertson. Antonio Sefi, and Herman Lescher. Those who wish to take an active part in the work of the Memorial will oblige by communicating with the Rev. Dean Norris, Brentwood. The monument for Mgr. Gilbert’s grave at Kensal Green is being executed by Messrs. Cusworth and Sons. The work will be finished before Easter. [The Tablet p.36. 1896]

The above text(s) was found on p.30, 23rd September 1899, p.35, 6th November 1897, p.36, 15th February 1896 in “The Tablet: The International Catholic News Weekly.” Reproduced with kind permission of the Publisher. The Tablet can be found at .

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