Lady Roper Parkington 1849 -1925

Lady RP

from The Tablet 27th June 1925


We regret to state that Marie Louise, Lady Parkington, widow of Colonel Sir John Roper Parkington, formerly Consul-General for Montenegro, died suddenly on Thursday of last week at her residence at Wimbledon. Lady Parkington, who married Sir Roper in 1873, was a daughter of the late Mr. Sims Silvester, of the Stock Exchange. She possessed, as honours, the gold medal of the Order of Merite Civile (first class) and the Red Cross of Montenegro.

The requiem was celebrated on Monday, at Farm Street, followed by the interment at Mortlake.—R.I.P.

from The Tablet 28th November 1925


Dame Marie Louise Parkington, who died on June 15 last, widow of Sir John Roper Parkington, left estate of the gross value of £23,371, with net personalty £22,980. She bequeathed £1,000 to the Sister Superior of the Sisters of Charity, 109, Wigmore Street, W., towards the benefit and succour of poor children ; £1,000 to the Rev. Father O’Gorman, or other the priest in charge of St. Austin’s Church, Wimbledon Park, towards the erection, decoration, and upkeep of that church “in the knowledge that Masses will be said there in perpetuity for the repose of the souls of my dear husband and myself “; £1,000 to the rector of the church of the Jesuit Fathers, Farm Street, W., with a similar expression; £25 each for Masses to the rector of the College at Edgehill, Wimbledon, and Father Rankin (or other the priest in charge) of St. Winifred’s Church, Wimbledon. Bequests of jewellery and other property are made to her maid and butler; her motor-car and accessories are left to a chauffeur if still in her service ; and after mentioning a number of individual legacies the testatrix left the residue of her property to her grandchildren in equal shares.

from the Brisbane Courier  Sat 23 Jan 1926 –

“It is my most earnest and heartfelt desire that my children and their families shall live in harmony with- each other, and with all my love and understanding I pray them ever to keep in mind that this was my last wish. So, too, I adjure them and their families in no way to meddle or interfere with my servants, who have rendered my dear husband and myself such loyal service throughout so many years.” These unusual instructions are contained in the will of Dame Marie Louise Parkington, of Broadwater Lodge, Wimbledon, London, S.W., widow of Sir John Roper Parkington, formerly Consul-General in the United Kingdom for Montenegro, who left £23,371, with net personalty £22,980. Among numerous bequests to servants she left to her chauffeur, if still in her service, her motor car and accessories. All her wearing apparel she left to her housekeeper, and her late husband’s personal effects to her “faithful butler.” ” |

Brisbane Courier  Sat 23 Jan 1926 – 

The Tablet Page 31, 27th May 1911

Lady Roper Parkington presented her daughter, Mrs. Sherston Baker, wife of Capt. Dodington Sherston Baker, at their Majesties’ Court on Wednesday. Sir Roper Parkington accompanied them.


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