St Patrick’s Day in Rome 1878


The Church of St. Isidore’s, Rome, was thronged to excess on the 17th of March, St.  Patrick’s Day, with the English and Irish residents in Rome, Protestant as well as Catholic, who flocked to hear a sermon preached by his Eminence Cardinal Manning. Long before the hour fixed for divine service every seat in the church was occupied. A Capuchin prelate had promised to pontificate, but owing to some accident was unable to attend, and there was no High Mass. Shortly after I I a.m.




Cardinal Manning

Cardinal Manning entered the pulpit and gave out as his text, St. James ii., 12, ” So speak ye, and so do, as being to be judged by the law of liberty.” His Eminence gave an interesting sketch of the life and labours of the Apostle of Ireland, and enlarged upon the firmness and constancy of the Irish people, who for fourteen hundred years had kept the faith, in spite of fierce persecution, and had carried the Catholic religion into America, Australia, and other distant dependencies of the English Crown. The Cardinal’s sermon was listened to with breathless attention, and at its close a collection was made for the benefit of the Irish Franciscan Fathers.







Cardinals MacCloskey, Manning, and Howard were subsequently entertained at dinner by the Very Rev. the Guardian of St. Isidore’s. Among the other guests of the Franciscans on this occasion were Archbishop Eyre, Dr. Strain, Archbishop elect of St. Andrew’s ; the Bishop of Clifton ; Mgrs. Carli, Cataldi, Agnozzi, and Rinaldini ; the Prior of St. Clement, the Very Rev. Dr. Hostlot ; Canon Walsh, Rev. Dr. O’Bryen, D. Shine Lalor, Esq., the Prior of Sta. Maria in Posterula, the Very Rev. Dr. Doyle, Captain Balfour, Mr. Shakspeare Wood; Rev. I. Healy, Dr. De la Roche, Mr. Lane Connolly, and Mr. Winchester.

The above text was found on p.15, 23rd March 1878, in “The Tablet: The International Catholic News Weekly.” Reproduced with kind permission of the Publisher. The Tablet can be found at .

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