Radcliffe – Weld 1893

Page 25, 4th February 1893


On February 1 the marriage took place of MR. PHILIP RADCLIFFE, Royal Engineers, son of Sir J. Percival Radcliffe, Bart., of Rudding Park, Yorkshire, with Miss MAUD WELD, daughter of the late Sir Frederick A. Weld, K.C.M.G., of Chideock Manor, Dorset. Long before the hour fixed for the wedding, the church which had been beautifully decorated for the occasion with choice white hot-house flowers, ferns and palm trees, was crowded as well as the aisle and transepts, many being unable to obtain seats. The church bells rang gaily from an early hour ; triumphal arches had been erected in great numbers bearing appropriate mottos and good wishes to the bride and bridegroom, and flags were everywhere to be seen. The bridegroom arrived a few minutes before 10, accompanied by his best man Mr. Bernard Radcliffe ; and soon afterwards the young bride entered the church leaning on the arm of her eldest brother, Mr. Humphrey F. J. Weld, who gave her away. She looked lovely in a gown of rich ivory duchesse satin with court train, the only trimming consisting of lappels of satin, richly embroidered in pearls falling partly down the front and over the sleeves. A long Honiton lace veil was worn over a coronet of real orange blossoms and myrtle. She carried a magnificent bouquet composed of rare exotics. She wore a diamond ” sun” and a diamond star the gift of the bridegroom, a diamond star, the gift of Sir P. Radcliffe, and a diamond heart the gift of her brother-in-law, Captain Edward Druitt. She was accompanied by her bridesmaids, Miss Angela Weld (sister of the bride) and Miss Laura Talbot (cousin of the bride and bridegroom). Their costumes were of the palest blue merveilleux silk, the bodices being draped with deep lace frills falling over voluminous puff sleeves of cream velvet. The skirts were made with trains, and edged with feather trimmings. They wore large picture hats of cream velvet, with ruches of pale blue and ostrich feathers, and each carried a satin shoe filled with Marechal Niel roses and lilies of the valley. They wore pearl and turquoise initial bangles, the gift of the bridegroom. Her train was carried by two little pages, Master Rudolph Graham Mayne (nephew of the bride), and Master Frank Talbot (cousin of the bride and bridegroom). They wore pale blue ” Little Lord Fauntleroy ” plush suits, and caps with ostrich feathers. Each wore a pearl and turquoise pin, the gift of the bridegroom. The Nuptial Mass was celebrated at 10 o’clock, the marriage ceremony being performed by the Right Rev. Dr. Virtue, Bishop of Portsmouth, assisted by Mgr. D. B. Bickerstaff Drew, the Very Rev. Canon Mansfield (chaplain of Chideock Manor), the Rev. F. G. Wood (chaplain of Rudding Park), and the Very Rev. Canon Debbaudt. After the marriage service a reception was held at Chideock Manor, during which the tenants presented the bride with a beautiful Queen Anne silver tea-tray and urn. The wedding breakfast took place at 12 o’clock. Owing to recent mourning in the bride’s family, the guests consisted of only near relations of both families. Later in the afternoon the happy pair left for London, en route for the continent, where the honeymoon will be spent. The bride’s travelling costume consisted of a soft shade of electric blue Amazon cloth, trimmed with a deep shade of velvet, the front of the skirt being slightly draped ; the full corsage was confined at the waist by a deep Empire belt of velvet, the large puff sleeves being finished at the elbow with folds of velvet. She wore a large felt hat of the deepest shade of electric blue, which had a quaint little crown of pale blue velvet, with sable tips. His Holiness the Pope sent a special blessing to the newly-married pair.


Lady Weld, turquoise necklace, pendant, bracelet, hair ornament, brooch, Honiton lace, Blonde lace, turquoise ring ; Sir J. P. Radcliffe, canteen of silver, pearl bangle, oak case of cutlery, cheque ; Lady Radcliffe, diamond and ruby bangle, house and table linen, hair bracelet, crown Derby writing set ; Miss Radcliffe’ old silver fruit spoon, Japanese embroidered cushion ; Miss F. Radcliffe, old silver tongs, six old silver apostle spoons ; Mrs. de Lisle, silver salt cellars ; Mrs. Brown, Queen Anne silver coffee-pot, tea-pot, cream jug, sugar basin ; Miss Brown, silver fruit spoons ; Mr. Humphrey F. J. Weld, pony carriage cob and harness ; Miss Angela Weld, standard lamp, Japanese embroidery, screen, silver soup-tureen ; Mr. R. and 0. Weld, travelling clock in silver case; • Mr. Henry Radcliffe, lacquer tea-table, silver mounted tantalus ; Mr. Bernard Radcliffe, silver egg-boiler, silver revolving entree dish, two silver lamps ; Mr. Roger Radcliffe, six silver hand-candlesticks ; Lord Arundel of Wardour, cheque ; Mr. and Mrs. Radcliffe, cheque silver sugar castor ; Captain Graham Mayne, pearl bracelet; • Mrs. Mayne, cheque, Indian embroidered silk shawl ; Mrs. Charles Weld, cheque ; the Hon. Mrs. A. Strutt, pearl necklace and pendant • Mr. Edward Strutt, ivory and silver-handled fish carver ; Miss Lisle Strutt, Wedgewood breakfast service ; Mrs. Blount, brass writing set ; Mr. Edwin de Lisle, Tennyson’s Maud; Mrs. Edwin de Lisle, opera cloak ; Major and Mrs. Frederick Bland, silver-mounted claret jug ; Mr. Reginald Talbot, set of Queen Anne silver salt cellars ; the Misses Talbot, silver-mounted carvers ; Mrs. Reynolds, Royal Worcester vase ; Mr. J. G. Duplesis, silver cigar box ; Messrs. J. and J. Weld and the Misses Weld, silver fish carvers ; Mr. and Mrs. C Radcliffe, old silver apostle spoon ; the Rev. F. G. Wood, brass revolving book stand ; Miss W. O’Connor, silver-mounted tortoiseshell paperknife • Mr. de Lisle, silver sugar basin ; Sir Charles and Lady Clifford, Dresden china tea-service ; Mr. and Mrs. Scrope, glass casquet ; Miss Radclifle, silver embossed cream jug, sugar basin and tongs ; Mr. and Mrs. C. Brown, Louis XVI. clock ; the Rev. Mother, New Hall, handsomely •illuminated Agnus Dei ; Mrs. Arthur, standard kettle, tray, and Japanese tea service ; the Countess de Torre Diaz, pearl crescent, turquoise stars brooch ; Mr. Perry, drawing. room standard vase ; Captain Edward Druitt, diamond heart pendant ; Mrs. Edward Druitt, pearl ring, silver box • Miss Mary Druitt, handpainted fan ; the Rev. and Mrs. Goddard, silver muffineers ; Sir P. and Lady Mostyn, standard kettle ; Mr. Algernon C. Bowring, diamond and sapphire pin ; Sir W. and Lady Vavasour, silver mirror ;, Mr. and Mrs. Ulric Charlton, six silver coffee spoons ; Miss R. Brown, old silver mustard-pot ; Miss F. G. Brown, silver muffineers ; Lady Armytage, silver egg cups, spoons and stand ; Sister M. Gertrude, leather workcase ; Sister M. Gertrude, picture ; Colonel and Mrs. Lloyd Evans, silver fish knives ; Mr. and Mrs. J. McDonald, two silver scollop. shell butter dishes and knives ; Mr. F. J. Radcliffe, Miss and Mr. F. Radcliffe, six silver spoons ; Winifred Lady Howard of Glossop, pearl crescent, pearl and coral pendant ; Mr. and Mrs. John Talbot, silver fruit dish ; Mr. and Mrs. Edward Mostyn, brass inkstand ; Dr. and Mrs. Barry Ball, silver-mounted ivory paper-knife ; Mr. and Mrs. Snead Cox, gold-mounted scent bottle ; Miss G. Coventry, silver button-hook ; Sir Hugh and Lady Low, old French silver buckle ; Mrs. Bidulph, Mont Barow vase ; the Hon. Lady Clifford, glove box ; Mrs. D’Arcy Hartley, carriage clock ; Mr. Charles Radcliffe, silver toast rack ; Mr. and Mrs. Kitson, Queen Ann silver cream jug ; Lady Lovat, pair of vases ; Colonel and Mrs. H. P. Knocker, silver embossed sugar basin and tongs ; Miss B. Roope, folding photograph frame ; Mrs. Hibbert, brass-mounted paper case ; the Misses Hibbert, brass-mounted blotting book ; Sir Molyneux and Lady Nepean, travelling clock; the Very Rev. Canon Mansfield, silver-mounted carriage whip ; Major-General and Mrs. Hales, china lamp ; the Misses Weld, lace handkerchief ; Mr. and Mrs. Morragh Bernard, silver shoe horn, button hook, and glove hook ; Mr. Manley, walking stick and telescope ; Mr. Whitgreave, ivory-handled fish carvers ; Mr. and Mrs. J. Coventry, silver sugar castors ; Mrs. D’Arcy, silver butter dish and knife ; Mr. and Mrs. H. Weld, brass kettle and stand ; the Right Rev. Abbet Leo Linse, 0.S.B. sacred picture ; Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Weld, gold curb bangle ; Master Everard J. Radcliffe, pair of silver candlesticks ; Miss Freda Radcliffe, silver tray ; the Misses Prince, silver scent bottle ; the tenants and inhabitants on the Chideock Manor, Queen Ann silver tea tray and urn ; the household servants and employed on the Rudding estate, two pairs of silver candlesticks ; household servants of Chideock Manor, pair of candelabra ; bride to bridegroom, set of pearl studs, gold watch ; bridegroom to bride, diamond ring, diamond and ruby butterfly, ostrich feather fan, diamond “sun,” and diamond star.

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