MRS. F. MOSDELL SMITH. obituary 1917

The Tablet Page 28, 7th July 1917


The death recently took place at Kew of Mrs. Fanny Mosdell Smith, the widow of the late Thomas Mosdell Smith, of Vimeira House, Hammersmith. The venerable lady, who was in her eighty-sixth year, was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Atwood, of Laborne Lodge, Kew, and in her childhood was the playfellow of Princess Mary of Cambridge, the mother of Her Majesty the Queen. She was received into the Church nearly seventy years ago by the Rev. Joseph Butt, of Brook Green, and had many memories of that mission before the present church was built. She also retained many interesting recollections of the London clergy in the early days of Cardinal Wiseman ‘s episcopate. She became the second wife of Mr. Mosdell Smith in 1872, and survived him forty-four years. Her death occurred on June 13, when she passed away painlessly after receiving the sacraments of the Church. The funeral Mass was celebrated at Mortlake by Canon Burton, who also read the burial service.—R.I.P.

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