Emily Verling Affidavit May 1858

In Her Majesty’s Court of Divorce & Matrimonial Causes

Verling falsely called McCarthy



Affidavit of petitioner

filed 20th May 1858

In Her Majesty’s Court for Divorce & Matrimonial Causes

Verling falsely called McCarthy



I Emily Verling commonly called Emily McCarthy of Hotel des trois Empereux, Rue de Rivoli Paris make oath and say

First.  That on the twenty second day of May one thousand eight hundred and fifty two your I was in fact married to Eugene Plummer McCarthy then representing himself to be a Bachelor at St James church in the parish of Islington in the county of Middlesex England.

Second.  That I have since been informed and believe that at such time the said Eugene Plummer McCarthy had a lawful wife then living and that she is still living.

Third.  That no collusion or connivance exists between myself and the said Eugene Plummer McCarthy.

Sworn in Her Majesty’s

Court for Divorce & Matrimonial

Causes at Westminster Hall

this 20th day of May 1858

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