JRP at it again…….
The Annual Dinner of this Society was held on Monday, Sir Charles Clifford in the chair. Among those present were the Bishops of Southwark and Emmaus, Lord Arundell of Wardour, Mgrs. Gilbert, Fenton, Harington Moore, the Very Revv. Canons Moore, O’Hallaran, McGrath, Murnane, V.G., the Very Rev. M. Kelly, 0.S.A., and a large number of priests and laymen. After dinner the chairman proposed the healths of ” The Pope” and “The Queen,” and in doing so referred to the mission of Mgr. Ruffo-Scilla and the Papal Jubilee. The health of “The Cardinal Archbishop of Westminster” was next proposed, to which the Bishop of Emmaus replied, in doing which he appealed on behalf of the charity. The other toasts were “The Bishop of Southwark,” “The Bishop of Emmaus,” “The Chairman,” proposed by Mr. George Blount, “The Clergy,” proposed by Mr. Dudley Leathley and responded to by the Right Rev. Mgr. Moore, and “The Stewards,” proposed by Mr. Wm. Towsey and responded to by Captain Parkington. During the evening excellently rendered vocal selections were contributed by Miss Margaret Hoare, Miss Eliza Thomas, Master Schrappel, Mr. Dudley Thomas and Mr. Tremere. Mr. Henry Leipold presiding at the piano.
The above text was found on p.24, 26th November 1887 in “The Tablet: The International Catholic News Weekly.” Reproduced with kind permission of the Publisher” The Tablet can be found at http://www.thetablet.co.uk .