THE ORATORY: REQUIEM FOR COLONEL HUSSEY-WALSH.—A requiem for Lieut.-Col. William Hussey-Walsh (Cheshire Regiment) was celebrated at the Oratory on Wednesday. Father William Munster officiated, and the Very Rev. Father Grewse assisted at the Absolution. The family mourners included Miss Hussey Walsh (daughter), Mrs. Dwyer (sister), Colonel and Mrs. Taylor (sister and brother-in-law), Miss Nancy Blount (cousin), and others. Amongst the other numerous friends and more distant relatives present were : Prince and Princess de Croy, Colonel W. R. Howell, Sir Reginald Egerton, Lady Tyrrell, Lady Laird-Clowes, Major Cyril Wilson, Captain and Mrs, Raleigh-Kerr, Captain Evered and Mr. H. G. Evered, Mr. and Mrs. Randolph Mrs. William Arkwright, Mrs. Silvertop, Sir George Harvey, Dr. T. D. Scott, Mr. George Bragiotti, Mrs. Walter Raleigh-Kerr, Mrs. Godefroi, Miss Neave, Miss Montizambert, Mrs. Lentaigne, Mrs. Lawrence, Miss Maguire. Dr. Lennard Cutler (Col. Hussey-Walsh’s devoted medical attendant during his long illness) was also present ; the Spanish Nursing Sisters (Holland Park); Mr. Pratt (nurse), and the household staff from Prince’s Gate. The Rev. Father Joseph, O.D.C. (Kensington) gave the last absolution at St. Mary Magdalen’s Cemetery, Mortlake, where the interment took place.R.I.P.
His daughter Maud marries his doctor in the spring of 1926 in Chelsea